With over two decades of experience, Sloan Sheridan-Williams is a uniquely talented celebrity life coach, international speaker & author. She has appeared in the media over 250 times and had her own radio show. Sloan has been the go-to expert for a diverse clientele, including rock stars, royalty, politicians, Hollywood actors, professional athletes, reality TV stars and more. Sloan has also worked with many leading brands over the years including Unilever, Lexus, BMW, Honda, eHarmony, Hotels.com and Booking.com. Not just a life coach but a therapist and lawyer as well, there is no problem that Sloan doesn’t have a strategy to solve.

Turning Life’s Challenges into Teachable Moments To Empower Our Children
If you would prefer to listen to the audio/video version of this article, please click here.
Navigating Life’s Lessons: A Parenting Journey
Hey there, fellow Brilliant Parents! You know, every day seems to throw us into unexpected lessons, doesn’t it? Well, let me share a little story from my own parenting journey that happened during our school run – a time when lessons come at you faster than you can say “homework!”
Lesson on the School Run: Handling Unexpected Emotions
Picture this: I’m cruising along, minding my own business, when suddenly, I find myself at a roundabout with a blue car behind me and a red car zipping around in front. Now, being the careful driver I am, I come to a stop at the demarcation line, ensuring it’s safe to proceed. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? Wrong!

The lady in the blue car behind me seems to have taken offence to my cautious approach. She throws her hands up in frustration and lays on the horn, sending a cacophony of beeps into the air. Talk about a teaching moment!
Turning Frustration into a Teachable Moment
Instead of getting flustered, I saw this as an opportunity to teach my son a valuable lesson. I explained to him what was happening – how the lady behind us was displaying anger and frustration, likely due to her own issues that had nothing to do with us. This led us into a discussion about different types of problems – the ones we solve, the ones we accept, and the ones that aren’t ours to deal with.
Different types of problems – the ones we solve, the ones we accept, and the ones that aren’t ours to deal with.
Empowering Our Children with Emotional Awareness
As we talked it through, my son made a profound observation: “Mummy, sometimes people try to give you their emotions, even if you don’t want them.” And you know what? He’s absolutely right. As parents, it’s our job to shield our children from unnecessary negativity while also teaching them to take accountability only for their own actions.
Taking Accountability and Setting Boundaries
So, I took a moment to reflect on my own actions. Maybe my cautious driving triggered the lady’s frustration, but that’s on her, not me. Perhaps I can learn to check my rear view mirror a bit more when stopping at roundabouts, so I can grow too.

However, there is no universe where I choose to drive into oncoming traffic at a roundabout, so I am happy with my choice. I’ve taken my accountability by thinking how I could do better in future, and I’ve left it at that. I learned a small lesson but my son has learned a huge one – the difference between problems we can help with and those we can’t.
Empowering Our Children with Problem-Solving Skills
As our discussion continued, I delved deeper into the concept of problem-solving with my son. I explained that just like in a video game where you need to choose the right tool for each challenge, in life, we need to assess the types of problems we encounter and respond accordingly. So, I introduced him to the idea of using a “shields up” approach as a way to protect ourselves from taking on burdens that aren’t ours to bear. He made me smile when he likened likening emotions to “dog poo” that we need to shield ourselves from. Shields Up! he exclaims from the back of the car giggling at metaphorical dog poo splattering everywhere.
Shields Up! he exclaims from the back of the car giggling
Identifying Three Types of Problems
Together, we explored the three types of problems:
1. Problems We Can Help With and Should: These are the challenges that directly involve us or where our assistance is genuinely needed. Whether it’s helping a friend with a new skill such as tying their shoelace or riding their bike to the art of actively listening when someone going through a tough time, these are the problems we embrace and tackle head-on.
2. Problems We Can Help With, but Are None of Our Business: Sometimes, we may come across issues that we have the skills to address, but they’re not our responsibility. It could be a disagreement between friends or a family matter that doesn’t directly involve us. In these situations, we can offer support and guidance if asked, but ultimately, it’s up to the individuals involved to resolve the issue.
3. Problems We Should Not Help With as We Aren’t Equipped To: Finally, there are problems that are simply beyond our abilities or expertise to solve. These could be complex issues requiring adult help or even professional help or situations where intervening could do more harm than good. By recognising our limitations and knowing when to step back, we protect ourselves and others from unnecessary stress and conflict.
Empowering Our Children to Set Boundaries
As I explained these concepts to my son, I could see the gears turning in his head. It was a lightbulb moment for him – the realisation that not all problems are meant for us to solve, and that’s perfectly okay. By teaching him to have “shields up” and discern between the different types of problems, I’m equipping him with valuable life skills that will serve him well in the future.
In the end, my son walked away with a newfound understanding of emotional accountability – knowing when to shield himself from the emotions that aren’t his to carry.
So, fellow parents, next time you find yourself navigating the chaos of the school run (or any other daily hurdle), remember to turn it into a teaching lesson.

One Liners To Help Your Child
For those wanting to teach their children this lesson, use these simple one-liners to impart some wisdom to your little ones:
- “Not all problems are ours to solve.”
- “Sometimes, people try to give us their emotions, but we choose whether to accept them.”
- “Dog poo emotions require a shield – it’s okay to protect yourself with a Shields Up!”
If you want more detailed help with creating your brilliant child, then find out more about family coaching below.
Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call
> 10 Years Coaching Experience
Multi Decision
60-Minute Call Duration
Situation Statement
Follow Up Email
Suggested Answer
Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success
> 6 Years Coaching Experience
1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
60 Days Coaching Duration
3 Touchpoints Per Week
Online Coaching Feed
Free Online Course & Metrics
Quick DiveMove forward with purpose
From £80
7 days of online coaching feed
20 minutes of live calls included
Up to 5 touchpoints
£80 with Associate Coach
£125 with Senior Coach
£215 with Head Coach
Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done
From £125
14 days of online coaching feed
30 minutes of live calls included
Up to 10 touchpoints
£125 with Associate Coach
£170 with Senior Coach
£260 with Head Coach
Until Next Time On Creating Brilliant Kids
And there you have it, folks! Another day, another opportunity to turn life’s curveballs into teachable moments. Until next time, keep cruising through the chaos with grace and a dash of parental wisdom!

Let’s continue to have these important conversations with our children. By empowering them with problem-solving skills, emotional awareness, and the ability to set boundaries, we’re nurturing resilient and empathetic individuals who can navigate life’s challenges with confidence and compassion.
The beauty of parenting lies in turning every moment, even the frustrating ones, into opportunities for growth and learning and avoiding being triggered by those moments ourselves. Here’s to Creating Brilliant Kids – one lesson at a time – empowering our children and Creating Brilliant Futures together!

The Screen Time Debate: Ever wondered if your child’s screen time habits are shaping their brain more than you realise?
If you prefer to watch the audio/video version of this article, please click here.
In this digital era, screens beckon with promises of educational enrichment, yet the reality is greater disconnection in a world where human connection is already under attack. You just have to go to a restaurant and see how many people have their phones out and have reduced attention towards their dining companions.
With new research coming out about screen time and it’s affects on children it can feel like every decision you make about screen time is shaping your child’s world in a big way. Your actions could be fostering their brilliance or dulling their shine. And do you even know? Our choices profoundly shape their development and influence their perceptions of the world, and that’s a lot of pressure.
Let’s be real, finding that balance between keeping them entertained and keeping their brilliant brains from turning to mush is no easy feat. But here’s the thing – there’s a sweet spot where screen time adds to their world without taking away from their sparkle. The research isn’t that scary. Yes care should be taken between the ages of 0 and 4, but the detrimental effects of some types of screen are less after 4 with greater declines after 6, so you won’t be burned at the stake for allowing yourself a little respite while your child has 15 minutes of screen time.
15 minutes!
I need more I hear you say, and that’s the beauty there is no one number that fits all children. There are many factors and it is for you to decide based on the facts what is going to work for your family. I think we can all agree, screens are not meant to be all-day babysitters and there exists a tipping point where excessive screen time begins to erode a child’s brilliance and hinder their growth. But how much is too much?
Let’s chat about it together, dive into the pros and cons of screen time, look at what options are available, and put healthy habits in place to make sure your little one keeps shining bright with brilliance in this digital age.
Are we empowering our children or imprisoning them in the glow of screens? The truth might not be as clear as we think.
Dear Brilliant Parents and Caregivers, Welcome to ‘Creating Brilliant Kids,’ a place where brilliance extends beyond academics. A place where we define brilliance as a harmonious blend of intellectual aptitude, creativity, mental toughness and emotional intelligence.
Today we are discussing the optimal screen time for children. How much screen time is just right for our little ones? It’s like searching for a hidden treasure, isn’t it? We’re all on the hunt for that magic time limit – the one that keeps our kids bright-eyed and bushy-tailed without tipping them over into the land of mediocrity. The only thing for sure is that whatever the magic number it’s hovering dangerously close to that point where it won’t be enough time for us to check off everything on our to-do list!
The Dilemma of Screen Time: An Afternoon Reflection
One sunny afternoon, I was just wrapping up an advice proposal when my son burst through the door after a half-day at school, buzzing with energy. Now, here’s the kicker – as tempting as it is to let him veg out in front of the TV while I sneak in some extra work, in that split second, I’m faced with a tough choice: stop my work and focus all my attention on my son versus the seductive glow of digital distractions, promising me a brief moment of peace to finish up.
It’s ironic. Here we are, together in the same room, yet both of us would be glued to our screens, missing out on those classic bonding moments and opportunities to inspire brilliance.
Finding the right balance is definitely a juggling act, and that mental picture of us being together yet apart really got me reflecting on the reality of it all. There’s this constant tug-of-war for parents between the demands of their work and other obligations versus the responsibilities of being a parent. How to decide which one wins, and how much screen time is too much?
How much screen time is too much?
Here comes a quick brainy breakdown!
In this domain where screens serve as both mentors and misguiding forces, the best starting point is objective analysis of each point of view.
Educational Wonders vs. Perils of Disconnection: Analysing the Choices Objectively
Compelling Reasons for Screen Time:
- Educational Exploration: Screens open a gateway to knowledge, engaging children in ways traditional methods may struggle to match. Educational apps and interactive content become a digital playground fostering curiosity and intellectual brilliance.
- Social Connectivity: In today’s fast-paced world, screens facilitate connections, bridging geographical gaps through virtual playdates and communication platforms. They nurture relationships that might otherwise fade in the hustle and bustle of life.
- Technological Preparedness: Embracing screen time equips children with crucial technological skills for the future. In an era dominated by digital advancements, early exposure builds familiarity and confidence in navigating the technological landscape.
Arguments Against Screen Time:
- Nature and Physical Activity: Excessive screen time often leads to a sedentary lifestyle, robbing children of the joys of physical play and outdoor exploration. Balancing screen exposure with nature fosters motor skills, strength, and a deeper appreciation for the world.
- Social and Emotional Development: Critics argue that prolonged screen exposure hinders the development of crucial social and emotional skills. Face-to-face interactions and unstructured play provide opportunities for empathy, communication, and understanding, aspects compromised in a digital-centric environment.
- Health Concerns: Potential health risks, from eye strain to disrupted sleep patterns and increased sedentary behaviour, raise concerns. Protecting children’s well-being means addressing these health impacts and finding a balance that promotes physical and mental brilliance.
How does that work in practice…
A Thoughtful Reflection on Brilliance and Connection
I think we could all agree the dilemma confronting every parent isn’t merely about choosing between screens or no screens, as both perspectives have their merits. It goes out as to what type of screen, which format and type of content and how long.
Ideal Screen Times: Let’s start with screen time and we’re talking about some pretty specific numbers given by the experts, however I can’t stress enough you know your child best and you need to go with your gut on this. Guidelines according to science say for your little tots aged three to seven, think about aiming for around 30 minutes to an hour a day. When they hit that 7 to 12-year-old range, you’re looking at a solid hour. Now, for those tweenies aged 12 to 15, you can stretch that to about an hour and a half. And for the older teens, around 16 and up, you’re looking at a two-hour window. Quite hypocritical for the teenagers as I am sure most of us watched a lot more TV than that, even though some of us are old enough to remember when cable first started.
Types of screens: Now we have some numbers, the scientists also tell us not all activities are created equal. Computer use and video gaming, well, they’ve been linked to some pretty heavy stuff like more severe depressive symptoms and even heightened anxiety levels. It’s like they’ve got some kind of secret pact to wreak havoc on our mental health! And video gaming seems to be the real troublemaker, with a direct line to anxiety levels.
If that’s not enough to freak out most parents, studies have found that addictive digital media behaviour can actually lead to changes in brain structure, messing with cognitive control and emotional regulation. And let’s not forget about social media – that’s a whole other can of worms!
It’s evident that relying solely on screens, substituting genuine human warmth with the artificial glow of pixels, does not cultivate a well-rounded child but if you do have to rely on them less is more, and stick to non violent TV and educational apps.
Personal Thoughts:
I firmly believe that children deserve more than a digital substitute for human connection—more than virtual hugs, simulated playdates, or vicarious experiences through influencer-led adventures. Nevertheless, I also understand that the solution isn’t simply to ban screens altogether. Rather, it’s about recognising the consequences when screens overshadow their formative years and ensuring we have a right now plan of flexibility to help reduce screen time. My parent philosophy is to go into this armed and ready with a list of alternative options. More for myself so I can look at it and have things in the playroom ready to go. I think of it like meal planning. You can’t just open a recipe book and hope all the ingredients are in the cupboard, some preparation has to go in beforehand.
If you want to limit screen time by providing fun alternatives but are stuck for choices of what to do, check out my A-Z list of “26 Alternatives to Screen Time” to get you started. By offering diverse alternatives, we can gradually replace excessive screen time habits with healthier choices. Our children deserve the depth of genuine experiences, the spontaneity of heartfelt laughter, and the intimacy of face-to-face connections. Anything else could have far reaching consequences.
Final Thoughts:
In a world where our children’s initial bonds are formed through screens, what implications might this have for the future? While some may view it as a harmless engagement with technology, could this early immersion pave the path for a future where our children’s connection to the digital realm evolves into something beyond our current comprehension? Could it lead to a scenario where our children entertain the idea of forming romantic relationships with artificial entities? It’s a thought-provoking concept, offering a glimpse into a potential future where the lines between human interaction and digital companionship blur. Is it too far away to worry about or is it closer than we think?
Fostering Future Brilliance: The Path Ahead
In the next stack we will be looking at nurturing brilliance in the screen age. How to get and keep your child’s attention when the screens become more exciting and entertaining than you. I will also be including that A to Z of alternatives to screen time.
Sharing Brilliance in Parenting: Your Insights Shape the Journey
Your insights, experiences, and reflections contribute to our collective journey in parenting. Your thoughts, challenges, and triumphs are always welcomed.
CBK Newsletter
Parents can help their children navigate screen time issues by subscribing to my newsletter, as we will be discussing things in a lot more detail.
Creating Brilliant Kids is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Z is for Zzzs: Raising brilliant kids involves implementing bedtime routines and promoting good sleep habits to ensure they thrive in their daily activities.
Sleep Hygiene for Kids
In the world of Creating Brilliant Kids, the importance of sleep hygiene cannot be overstated. Quality sleep is essential for children’s physical health, cognitive function, and emotional well-being, laying the foundation for brilliance in all aspects of their lives. Let’s explore how to cultivate a healthy sleep environment and bedtime routine for kids with the ABCs of ZZZ:
Zone of Calm
Create a peaceful bedtime routine with calming activities like reading or listening to soft music. By winding down with soothing activities, children signal to their bodies that it’s time to relax and prepare for sleep.
Zero Tech Zone
Keep screens out of the bedroom to avoid the blue light that can disrupt sleep. By creating a tech-free sleep environment, children can disconnect from digital distractions and enjoy uninterrupted rest.
Zen Sleep Space
Make your bedroom cozy and comfortable with soft blankets and pillows. A tranquil sleep environment promotes relaxation and helps children feel safe and secure as they drift off to sleep.
Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together – Thomas Dekker

Scenarios Where Sleep Routines Shine Through
Sweet Dreams: Following a consistent bedtime routine helps brilliant children transition smoothly from wakefulness to sleep, leading to deeper and more restful rest.
Morning Sunshine: Adequate sleep boosts children’s mood and energy levels, setting them up for a successful and productive day ahead.
Homework Harmony: Brilliant children who prioritise sleep are better able to concentrate and retain information, leading to improved academic performance and learning outcomes.
Family Bonding: Bedtime rituals such as reading bedtime stories or sharing highlights of the day foster closer parent-child relationships and create cherished memories.
Emotional Resilience: Quality sleep supports children’s emotional regulation and resilience, helping them cope with stress and navigate challenging situations with ease.
Health and Well-being: Establishing healthy sleep habits from a young age promotes physical health and vitality, reducing the risk of obesity, illness, and other health issues.
Creativity Unleashed: Restorative sleep enhances children’s creativity and imagination, fuelling their curiosity and inspiring new ideas and innovations.
Case Study: The Dreamer’s Journey
Meet a lovely child we shall call Ruby, a bright and imaginative 7-year-old who struggled with sleep disturbances and bedtime anxiety. Despite her creative spirit and boundless energy during the day, Ruby found it challenging to unwind and relax at night, often tossing and turning in bed for hours.
With the support of her parents and the ABCs of ZZZ, Ruby embarked on a journey to transform her sleep habits and create a peaceful bedtime routine. Together, they established a Zone of Calm in Ruby’s bedroom, incorporating calming activities like reading her favourite storybooks and practicing gentle yoga stretches.
As Ruby embraced the Zero Tech Zone and Zen Sleep Space, she noticed a significant improvement in the quality and duration of her sleep. By prioritising consistency and relaxation in her bedtime routine, Ruby felt more rested, rejuvenated, and ready to explore the world with renewed enthusiasm and creativity.
With a newfound sense of tranquility and well-being, Ruby’s journey to dreamland became a delightful and restorative experience. By embracing the ABCs of ZZZ and prioritising sleep hygiene, Ruby unlocked the power of quality sleep and set herself on a path to brilliance, one dream at a time.
Sleep is the best meditation – Dalai Lama
CBK Newsletter
Parents can help their children with this skill by subscribing to my newsletter, as we will be discussing things in a lot more detail.
Creating Brilliant Kids is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
The A to Z of Skills For Success
In the journey of nurturing brilliant children, confidence is just one aspect of their multifaceted development. There are of course 25 other letters in the A to Z of Creating Brilliant Kids, all of which will be covered in due course. Do check out A is for Adaptability to Y is for Yearly Reflections if you haven’t already read them.
Creating Brilliant Kids
Here at Creating Brilliant Kids, we recognise the importance of taking a holistic approach to personal growth, ensuring that every facet of your child’s potential is nurtured and cultivated.
Our newsletter serves as a treasure trove of insights into various dimensions of child development, ranging from adaptability and resilience to creativity and beyond. While each issue is unique, spanning a diverse array of topics, we guarantee a rich blend of resources. Over the coming editions, expect to receive a wealth of tools including practical tips, real-life case studies, affirmations, mind maps, power words, and expert advice—all carefully curated to support your child’s journey towards success.
Coaching Also Available
But our dedication to fostering brilliance extends far beyond the confines of our newsletter and coaching children. As a seasoned life coach with over two decades of experience, I offer a comprehensive suite of coaching services tailored to complement the teachings of our newsletter. From personalised one-to-one coaching sessions catered to parents, to bespoke online courses crafted to address specific needs, and even family and couples coaching sessions aimed at strengthening bonds and nurturing collective growth, rest assured, I am here to accompany you and your child every step of the way.
Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call
> 10 Years Coaching Experience
Multi Decision
60-Minute Call Duration
Situation Statement
Follow Up Email
Suggested Answer
Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success
> 6 Years Coaching Experience
1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
60 Days Coaching Duration
3 Touchpoints Per Week
Online Coaching Feed
Free Online Course & Metrics
Quick DiveMove forward with purpose
From £80
7 days of online coaching feed
20 minutes of live calls included
Up to 5 touchpoints
£80 with Associate Coach
£125 with Senior Coach
£215 with Head Coach
Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done
From £125
14 days of online coaching feed
30 minutes of live calls included
Up to 10 touchpoints
£125 with Associate Coach
£170 with Senior Coach
£260 with Head Coach
With our coaching services, you’re not just investing in your child’s future—you’re providing them with the indispensable tools and guidance they need to navigate the complexities of today’s world with confidence.
Together, let’s embark on a journey to unlock your child’s full potential and illuminate the path towards a brighter future for the next generation.
Who is Sloan
If you are new to Creating Brilliant Kids you can find out a little more about me from my bio below or look out for some of my articles and collaborations with these wonderful companies.
Sloan Sheridan-Williams is a uniquely talented celebrity life coach, author, broadcaster, international speaker and media-friendly expert. In her 20 years of coaching she has worked with rock stars to royalty and politicians to CEOs. Her VIP clients include Hollywood actors, professional athletes, reality TV stars and those committed to only accepting the extraordinary out of life. Sloan has been featured more than 250 times in the UK & international media and has presented her own show on London radio. She also works with brands from start ups to global leaders such as Unilever, BMW, eHarmony and Booking.com to name a few.
Sloan is a Brilliant Kid herself, having been more than 6 years ahead in every subject at school. With her ability to problem solve at a speed faster than most, plus a background in medicine and law, it is no surprise she is known as one of the leading “fixers in the complementary therapy world”. Achieving fast results in the shortest time, Sloan often tackles problems that have yet to be solved by others.

Y is for Yearly Reflections: Instilling a habit of yearly reflection empowers children to set goals, track progress, and develop personal growth, nurturing their development as brilliant kids.
Y – Yearly Reflection: Goal Setting
In the world of Creating Brilliant Kids, the practice of yearly reflection serves as a compass, guiding brilliant children on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and goal achievement. It’s not just about looking back; it’s about envisioning the future, setting intentions, and taking proactive steps towards realising their dreams.
Let’s embark on a journey of yearly reflection and goal setting within our framework:
Establishing Reflection
Establish a practice of yearly reflection with children, encouraging them to look back on their accomplishments, challenges, and experiences over the past year. By taking stock of their journey and celebrating their achievements, children gain valuable insights into their strengths, areas for growth, and aspirations for the future.
Guiding Goal Setting
Guide children in setting goals and intentions for the upcoming year, reflecting on areas for growth and areas of strength. Whether it’s academic goals, personal development milestones, or extracurricular pursuits, goal setting empowers children to chart their course and take ownership of their future with clarity and purpose.
Inspiring Vision
Inspire children to develop a vision for their future by encouraging them to set goals, dream big, and pursue their passions. By envisioning the kind of person they want to become and the life they want to lead, children cultivate a sense of purpose and direction that propels them towards eXcellence in all areas of their lives.
Identifying Strengths
Help children identify their strengths, interests, and values, guiding them in creating a vision for the kind of person they want to become. By recognising their unique talents and qualities, children gain confidence in their abilities and clarity in their goals, paving the way for meaningful growth and excellence.
Supporting Aspirations
Support children in pursuing their goals and aspirations, providing encouragement, resources, and opportunities for growth and development. Whether it’s academic support, mentorship, or extracurricular activities, children thrive when given the tools and support to turn their dreams into reality and embark on a journey of excellence and fulfilment.
We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience. – John Dewey

Scenarios Where Yearly Reflection Shines Bright
Academic Achievement: Brilliant children reflect on their academic performance over the past year, celebrating their successes and identifying areas for improvement. With a clear understanding of their strengths and challenges, they set academic goals and strategies for the upcoming year, laying the foundation for continued growth and eXcellence in their studies.
Personal Development: Brilliant children reflect on their personal growth and achievements, from developing new skills to overcoming challenges and setbacks. By acknowledging their progress and resilience, they gain confidence in their abilities and set intentions for further self-improvement and eXcellence in the year ahead.
Extracurricular Pursuits: Brilliant children reflect on their involvement in extracurricular activities, whether it’s sports, arts, or community service. By evaluating their experiences and contributions, they set goals for deeper engagement, skill development, and leadership opportunities, fuelling their passion and commitment to eXcellence in their chosen pursuits.
Social Relationships: Brilliant children reflect on their social interactions and relationships, from friendships to family dynamics. By assessing the quality of their connections and communication skills, they set intentions for fostering deeper connections, resolving conflicts, and building positive relationships based on trust, empathy, and mutual respect.
Personal Well-being: Brilliant children reflect on their physical, emotional, and mental well-being, identifying areas of self-care and self-improvement. Whether it’s prioritising healthy habits, managing stress, or practicing mindfulness, they set intentions for nurturing their holistic well-being and eXcelling in all aspects of their lives.

Case Study: The Visionary Reflector
Meet a lovely teenager we shall call Yasmin. Yasmin is a 13-year-old with a passion for exploration and a vision for her future. Through the practice of yearly reflection and goal setting, Yasmin has honed her focus, clarity, and determination to pursue her dreams with purpose and passion.
In her goal setting reflections, Yasmin looks back on her accomplishments, challenges, and experiences over the past year, celebrating her academic achievements, personal growth milestones, and contributions to her community. With a sense of pride and gratitude, she acknowledges her strengths and areas for growth, setting intentions for further development and excellence in the year ahead.
In setting her goals and intentions for the upcoming year, Yasmin dreams big and embraces her role as a visionary explorer. From academic pursuits to extracurricular adventures, she sets ambitious goals that reflect her passion for learning, creativity, and making a positive impact in the world. With a clear vision and a roadmap for success, Yasmin embarks on a journey of self-discovery and excellence, confident in her ability to turn her dreams into reality and create a brighter future for herself and others.
Through the practice of yearly reflection and goal setting, Yasmin exemplifies the transformative power of vision, intention, and action in shaping a life of purpose, passion, and eXcellence. Her journey serves as an inspiration to children everywhere, proving that with reflection, intention, and perseverance, anything is possible, and the quest for excellence knows no bounds
The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing – Henry Ford
CBK Newsletter
Parents can help their children with this skill by subscribing to my newsletter, as we will be discussing things in a lot more detail.
Creating Brilliant Kids is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
The A to Z of Skills For Success
In the journey of nurturing brilliant children, confidence is just one aspect of their multifaceted development. There are of course 25 other letters in the A to Z of Creating Brilliant Kids, all of which will be covered in due course. Do check out A is for Adaptability to X is for eXcellence if you haven’t already read them.
Creating Brilliant Kids
Here at Creating Brilliant Kids, we recognise the importance of taking a holistic approach to personal growth, ensuring that every facet of your child’s potential is nurtured and cultivated.
Our newsletter serves as a treasure trove of insights into various dimensions of child development, ranging from adaptability and resilience to creativity and beyond. While each issue is unique, spanning a diverse array of topics, we guarantee a rich blend of resources. Over the coming editions, expect to receive a wealth of tools including practical tips, real-life case studies, affirmations, mind maps, power words, and expert advice—all carefully curated to support your child’s journey towards success.
Coaching Also Available
But our dedication to fostering brilliance extends far beyond the confines of our newsletter and coaching children. As a seasoned life coach with over two decades of experience, I offer a comprehensive suite of coaching services tailored to complement the teachings of our newsletter. From personalised one-to-one coaching sessions catered to parents, to bespoke online courses crafted to address specific needs, and even family and couples coaching sessions aimed at strengthening bonds and nurturing collective growth, rest assured, I am here to accompany you and your child every step of the way.
Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call
> 10 Years Coaching Experience
Multi Decision
60-Minute Call Duration
Situation Statement
Follow Up Email
Suggested Answer
Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success
> 6 Years Coaching Experience
1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
60 Days Coaching Duration
3 Touchpoints Per Week
Online Coaching Feed
Free Online Course & Metrics
Quick DiveMove forward with purpose
From £80
7 days of online coaching feed
20 minutes of live calls included
Up to 5 touchpoints
£80 with Associate Coach
£125 with Senior Coach
£215 with Head Coach
Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done
From £125
14 days of online coaching feed
30 minutes of live calls included
Up to 10 touchpoints
£125 with Associate Coach
£170 with Senior Coach
£260 with Head Coach
With our coaching services, you’re not just investing in your child’s future—you’re providing them with the indispensable tools and guidance they need to navigate the complexities of today’s world with confidence.
Together, let’s embark on a journey to unlock your child’s full potential and illuminate the path towards a brighter future for the next generation.
Who is Sloan
If you are new to Creating Brilliant Kids you can find out a little more about me from my bio below or look out for some of my articles and collaborations with these wonderful companies.
Sloan Sheridan-Williams is a uniquely talented celebrity life coach, author, broadcaster, international speaker and media-friendly expert. In her 20 years of coaching she has worked with rock stars to royalty and politicians to CEOs. Her VIP clients include Hollywood actors, professional athletes, reality TV stars and those committed to only accepting the extraordinary out of life. Sloan has been featured more than 250 times in the UK & international media and has presented her own show on London radio. She also works with brands from start ups to global leaders such as Unilever, BMW, eHarmony and Booking.com to name a few.
Sloan is a Brilliant Kid herself, having been more than 6 years ahead in every subject at school. With her ability to problem solve at a speed faster than most, plus a background in medicine and law, it is no surprise she is known as one of the leading “fixers in the complementary therapy world”. Achieving fast results in the shortest time, Sloan often tackles problems that have yet to be solved by others.

X is for eXcellence: Encouraging children to strive for excellence instils high standards and determination, guiding them to become brilliant kids who achieve remarkable success.
X – eXcellence: Pursuing Brilliance in Every Endeavour
In the world of Creating Brilliant Kids, eXcellence stands as the beacon guiding children towards the pinnacle of achievement and fulfilment. It’s not just about reaching milestones; it’s about striving for greatness in every aspect of life, fuelled by passion, determination, and unwavering commitment.
Let’s embark on a journey towards eXcellence within our framework:
Inspiring Pursuit
Inspire brilliant children to embrace the pursuit of eXcellence, encouraging them to set ambitious goals and challenge themselves to reach new heights of achievement. By instilling a mindset of relentless improvement and continuous growth, children unlock their full potential and elevate their performance in all areas of life.
Celebrating Achievements
Recognise and celebrate brilliant children’s achievements and successes, fostering a culture of appreciation and acknowledgment for their hard work and dedication. Whether it’s academic accolades, artistic accomplishments, or personal milestones, every triumph deserves to be celebrated as a testament to the power of eXcellence and perseverance.
Developing Potential
Provide opportunities for brilliant children to develop their talents and strengths, nurturing their innate abilities and empowering them to realise their full potential. Whether it’s through academic enrichment programs, extracurricular activities, or mentorship opportunities, children thrive when given the tools and support to cultivate their eXcellence and become the best version of themselves.
Excellence is not an act, but a habit – Aristotle

Scenarios Where eXcellence Shines Bright
Academic Achievement: Brilliant children demonstrate eXcellence in their academic pursuits, consistently achieving top grades and mastering challenging concepts with ease. Through diligent study habits, critical thinking skills, and a thirst for knowledge, they emerge as scholars poised for success in higher education and beyond.
Artistic Expression: Brilliant children showcase their eXcellence through artistic expression, whether it’s painting, music, dance, or theatre. With creativity, passion, and dedication, they captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression with their talent and artistry, inspiring others to embrace their own creative potential.
Athletic Endeavours: Brilliant children excel in athletic endeavours, demonstrating eXcellence on the field, court, or track. Through discipline, perseverance, and teamwork, they push their limits and achieve remarkable feats of athleticism, earning accolades and recognition for their prowess and sportsmanship.
Leadership and Service: Brilliant Children exhibit eXcellence in leadership and service, making a positive impact in their communities and beyond. Whether it’s organising charity events, mentoring peers, or advocating for social change, they lead by example with integrity, compassion, and a commitment to making a difference in the world.
Personal Growth: Brilliant children embrace a journey of personal growth and self-discovery, striving to become the best version of themselves in mind, body, and spirit. Through self-reflection, resilience, and a growth mindset, they overcome challenges, cultivate inner strength, and emerge as confident, empowered individuals ready to embrace life’s challenges and opportunities.
Case Study: The Quest for eXcellence
Meet a boy we shall call Xavier, a 15-year-old with a passion for learning and a drive for eXcellence. From a young age, Xavier set his sights on achieving greatness in all areas of his life, fuelled by a relentless pursuit of eXcellence and a thirst for knowledge.
In academics, Xavier distinguished himself as a top performer, consistently earning top grades and excelling in advanced coursework. With a love of learning and a hunger for success, he pursued academic challenges with enthusiasm and determination, setting a high standard for himself and inspiring his peers to do the same.
In addition to his academic pursuits, Xavier also pursued eXcellence in extracurricular activities, from music to sports to community service. Whether it was mastering a musical instrument, leading his team to victory on the soccer field, or volunteering his time to help those in need, Xavier approached every endeavour with passion, dedication, and a commitment to eXcellence. When it came time to choose his University, the skills he developed helped him glide through and have the pick of not only his University but the college of his choice.
Through his unwavering pursuit of eXcellence, Xavier emerged as a shining example of what can be achieved through hard work, determination, and a relentless commitment to greatness. His journey serves as an inspiration to children everywhere, proving that with passion, perseverance, and a belief in oneself, eXcellence is within reach for those who dare to dream big and strive for greatness.
Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well – John W. Gardner
CBK Newsletter
Parents can help their children with this skill by subscribing to my newsletter, as we will be discussing things in a lot more detail.
Creating Brilliant Kids is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
The A to Z of Skills For Success
In the journey of nurturing brilliant children, confidence is just one aspect of their multifaceted development. There are of course 25 other letters in the A to Z of Creating Brilliant Kids, all of which will be covered in due course. Do check out A is for Adaptability to W is for Winner’s Journal if you haven’t already read them.
Creating Brilliant Kids
Here at Creating Brilliant Kids, we recognise the importance of taking a holistic approach to personal growth, ensuring that every facet of your child’s potential is nurtured and cultivated.
Our newsletter serves as a treasure trove of insights into various dimensions of child development, ranging from adaptability and resilience to creativity and beyond. While each issue is unique, spanning a diverse array of topics, we guarantee a rich blend of resources. Over the coming editions, expect to receive a wealth of tools including practical tips, real-life case studies, affirmations, mind maps, power words, and expert advice—all carefully curated to support your child’s journey towards success.
Coaching Also Available
But our dedication to fostering brilliance extends far beyond the confines of our newsletter and coaching children. As a seasoned life coach with over two decades of experience, I offer a comprehensive suite of coaching services tailored to complement the teachings of our newsletter. From personalised one-to-one coaching sessions catered to parents, to bespoke online courses crafted to address specific needs, and even family and couples coaching sessions aimed at strengthening bonds and nurturing collective growth, rest assured, I am here to accompany you and your child every step of the way.
Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call
> 10 Years Coaching Experience
Multi Decision
60-Minute Call Duration
Situation Statement
Follow Up Email
Suggested Answer
Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success
> 6 Years Coaching Experience
1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
60 Days Coaching Duration
3 Touchpoints Per Week
Online Coaching Feed
Free Online Course & Metrics
Quick DiveMove forward with purpose
From £80
7 days of online coaching feed
20 minutes of live calls included
Up to 5 touchpoints
£80 with Associate Coach
£125 with Senior Coach
£215 with Head Coach
Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done
From £125
14 days of online coaching feed
30 minutes of live calls included
Up to 10 touchpoints
£125 with Associate Coach
£170 with Senior Coach
£260 with Head Coach
With our coaching services, you’re not just investing in your child’s future—you’re providing them with the indispensable tools and guidance they need to navigate the complexities of today’s world with confidence.
Together, let’s embark on a journey to unlock your child’s full potential and illuminate the path towards a brighter future for the next generation.
Who is Sloan
If you are new to Creating Brilliant Kids you can find out a little more about me from my bio below or look out for some of my articles and collaborations with these wonderful companies.
Sloan Sheridan-Williams is a uniquely talented celebrity life coach, author, broadcaster, international speaker and media-friendly expert. In her 20 years of coaching she has worked with rock stars to royalty and politicians to CEOs. Her VIP clients include Hollywood actors, professional athletes, reality TV stars and those committed to only accepting the extraordinary out of life. Sloan has been featured more than 250 times in the UK & international media and has presented her own show on London radio. She also works with brands from start ups to global leaders such as Unilever, BMW, eHarmony and Booking.com to name a few.
Sloan is a Brilliant Kid herself, having been more than 6 years ahead in every subject at school. With her ability to problem solve at a speed faster than most, plus a background in medicine and law, it is no surprise she is known as one of the leading “fixers in the complementary therapy world”. Achieving fast results in the shortest time, Sloan often tackles problems that have yet to be solved by others.

W is for Winner’s Journal: Help children understand brain potential and success principles to empower them to become brilliant kids with a solid foundation for future achievement.
Winner’s Journal: Scripting Success Stories
In the world of Creating Brilliant Kids, creating their very own Winner’s Journal stands as a blueprint for unlocking the potential of young minds, empowering them to chart a course towards success and achievement. It’s not just a journal; it’s a treasure trove of wisdom, insights, vision pages and strategies designed to cultivate a winning mindset and propel children towards their dreams.
Let’s explore the transformative journey within the philosophy of creating a Winner’s Journal:
Understanding Your Brain
Discover the incredible potential of your brain to grow and change, shaping your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Through engaging exercises and enlightening insights, brilliant children explore the intricate workings of their minds, unlocking the keys to self-awareness, personal growth, and limitless possibilities.
The Science of Success
Delve into the scientific principles behind success, unraveling the mysteries of goal-setting, visualisation, and the power of intention. Brilliant children learn to harness the forces of determination and focus, aligning their aspirations with concrete actions to turn dreams into reality.
Building a Winning Mindset
Cultivate a positive outlook and unshakable confidence in your abilities, laying the foundation for resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges. Armed with a winning mindset, brilliant children develop the grit and tenacity to overcome obstacles, navigate setbacks, and emerge stronger and more determined than ever before.

Scenarios Where A Winner’s Mindset Shines Bright
Goal Setting and Achievement: Children use the principles from their very own Winner’s Journal to set ambitious goals and create actionable plans to achieve them. Whether it’s academic excellence, athletic prowess, or creative pursuits, a winning mindset serves as a guiding light, helping brilliant children map out their path to success with clarity and purpose.
Positive Self-Talk and Affirmations: Brilliant children harness the power of positive self-talk and affirmations to boost their confidence and self-esteem. By internalising empowering beliefs and reframing negative thoughts, they cultivate a mindset of success and possibility, paving the way for achievement and personal growth.
Resilience and Adaptability: In the face of adversity, brilliant children draw upon the lessons from a winning mindset to cultivate resilience and adaptability. They view setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth, bouncing back from challenges with renewed determination and fortitude.
Leadership and Influence: Armed with a winning mindset and a clear sense of purpose, brilliant children emerge as leaders and influencers in their communities. They inspire others with their passion, vision, and drive, rallying peers and mentors alike to join them on the journey towards excellence and achievement.
Empowerment and Impact: Children use the tools and strategies from their personal Winner’s Journal to make a positive impact in the world around them. Whether it’s through acts of kindness, volunteerism, or advocacy, they harness their talents and passions to create meaningful change and leave a lasting legacy of success and significance.

Case Study: The Champion’s Odyssey
Meet a boy we shall call William, a 14-year-old with a fire in his heart and a dream in his eyes. From a young age, William immersed himself in having a winners mindset, eagerly absorbing his coaching and applying the principles to every aspect of his life.
As William embarked on his journey, he encountered obstacles and challenges along the way. Yet, armed with a winning mindset and unwavering determination, he pressed forward with courage and conviction, refusing to be deterred by adversity.
Through the guidance of family coaching, William achieved remarkable success in academics, sports, and leadership roles. He emerged as a role model and inspiration to his peers, demonstrating the transformative power of resilience, determination, and belief in oneself. Whenever his resolve wavered he opened his Winner’s Journal and reminded himself what his dreams were, what he had achieved so far and what the next steps of success were.
William’s odyssey is a testament to the profound impact of having a personal Winner’s Journal and embracing a winners mindset in shaping the lives of young champions, empowering them to write their own success stories and embark on a lifelong journey of excellence, achievement, and fulfilment
Winners do not do things differently; they do different things – Shiv Khera
CBK Newsletter
Parents can help their children with this skill by subscribing to my newsletter, as we will be discussing things in a lot more detail.
Creating Brilliant Kids is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
The A to Z of Skills For Success
In the journey of nurturing brilliant children, confidence is just one aspect of their multifaceted development. There are of course 25 other letters in the A to Z of Creating Brilliant Kids, all of which will be covered in due course. Do check out A is for Adaptability to V is for Variety if you haven’t already read them.
Creating Brilliant Kids
Here at Creating Brilliant Kids, we recognise the importance of taking a holistic approach to personal growth, ensuring that every facet of your child’s potential is nurtured and cultivated.
Our newsletter serves as a treasure trove of insights into various dimensions of child development, ranging from adaptability and resilience to creativity and beyond. While each issue is unique, spanning a diverse array of topics, we guarantee a rich blend of resources. Over the coming editions, expect to receive a wealth of tools including practical tips, real-life case studies, affirmations, mind maps, power words, and expert advice—all carefully curated to support your child’s journey towards success.
Coaching Also Available
But our dedication to fostering brilliance extends far beyond the confines of our newsletter and coaching children. As a seasoned life coach with over two decades of experience, I offer a comprehensive suite of coaching services tailored to complement the teachings of our newsletter. From personalised one-to-one coaching sessions catered to parents, to bespoke online courses crafted to address specific needs, and even family and couples coaching sessions aimed at strengthening bonds and nurturing collective growth, rest assured, I am here to accompany you and your child every step of the way.
Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call
> 10 Years Coaching Experience
Multi Decision
60-Minute Call Duration
Situation Statement
Follow Up Email
Suggested Answer
Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success
> 6 Years Coaching Experience
1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
60 Days Coaching Duration
3 Touchpoints Per Week
Online Coaching Feed
Free Online Course & Metrics
Quick DiveMove forward with purpose
From £80
7 days of online coaching feed
20 minutes of live calls included
Up to 5 touchpoints
£80 with Associate Coach
£125 with Senior Coach
£215 with Head Coach
Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done
From £125
14 days of online coaching feed
30 minutes of live calls included
Up to 10 touchpoints
£125 with Associate Coach
£170 with Senior Coach
£260 with Head Coach
With our coaching services, you’re not just investing in your child’s future—you’re providing them with the indispensable tools and guidance they need to navigate the complexities of today’s world with confidence.
Together, let’s embark on a journey to unlock your child’s full potential and illuminate the path towards a brighter future for the next generation.
Who is Sloan
If you are new to Creating Brilliant Kids you can find out a little more about me from my bio below or look out for some of my articles and collaborations with these wonderful companies.
Sloan Sheridan-Williams is a uniquely talented celebrity life coach, author, broadcaster, international speaker and media-friendly expert. In her 20 years of coaching she has worked with rock stars to royalty and politicians to CEOs. Her VIP clients include Hollywood actors, professional athletes, reality TV stars and those committed to only accepting the extraordinary out of life. Sloan has been featured more than 250 times in the UK & international media and has presented her own show on London radio. She also works with brands from start ups to global leaders such as Unilever, BMW, eHarmony and Booking.com to name a few.
Sloan is a Brilliant Kid herself, having been more than 6 years ahead in every subject at school. With her ability to problem solve at a speed faster than most, plus a background in medicine and law, it is no surprise she is known as one of the leading “fixers in the complementary therapy world”. Achieving fast results in the shortest time, Sloan often tackles problems that have yet to be solved by others.

V is for Variety: Encouraging children to embrace variety and new experiences broadens their horizons and nurtures creativity and adaptability as they grow into brilliant kids.
Variety: Embracing the Rich Tapestry of Life
In the world of Creating Brilliant Kids, variety serves as the palette with which children paint the canvas of their lives, embracing diversity, exploration, and the richness of experiences. It’s not just about sameness; it’s about celebrating differences, embracing curiosity, and broadening horizons to nurture well-rounded individuals.
Let’s explore the significance of variety within our framework:
Exposure to Diverse Experiences
Expose children to diverse experiences, from different cultures to various activities, to stimulate their minds and broaden their perspectives. By immersing children in a tapestry of experiences, they develop empathy, cultural awareness, and a deeper understanding of the world around them, enriching their lives and shaping their worldview. Whether you embrace Lunar New Year, The Spring Equinox or Diwali there is so much to learn and so much fun to be had.
Embracing a Spectrum of Interests
Embrace a wide range of interests and hobbies, encouraging children to explore new passions and discover their strengths. Whether it’s art, music, sports, science, or literature, fostering a spirit of exploration allows children to uncover their talents, express their creativity, and develop a well-rounded identity that reflects their unique passions and interests.
Celebrating Diversity and Difference
Create an environment that celebrates diversity and difference, embedding acceptance and appreciation for the unique qualities of individuals and experiences. By embracing diversity in all its forms – whether it’s cultural, racial, ethnic, or experiential – children learn to respect and value the perspectives, traditions, and backgrounds of others, fostering inclusivity, empathy, and a sense of belonging.
Variety is the very spice of life that gives it all its flavour – William Cowper

Scenarios Where Variety Shines Bright
Cultural Immersion: Explore different cultures through culinary adventures, cultural festivals, and language learning activities, exposing children to diverse traditions, customs, and perspectives that broaden their horizons and foster cultural appreciation.
Exploration of Artistic Expression: Encourage children to explore various forms of artistic expression, from painting and sculpture to music and dance, allowing them to unleash their creativity, express themselves authentically, and discover new ways to communicate and connect with the world around them.
Outdoor Adventures: Embark on outdoor adventures such as hiking, camping, or nature exploration, providing children with opportunities to connect with the natural world, appreciate its beauty and diversity, and develop a sense of environmental stewardship and appreciation for the wonders of nature.
Culinary Exploration: Introduce children to a diverse array of cuisines from around the world through cooking classes, culinary tours, or international dining experiences, expanding their palates, cultural awareness, and appreciation for global gastronomy.
Intellectual Discovery: Encourage children to explore a variety of intellectual pursuits, from literature and history to science and technology, fostering a lifelong love of learning, critical thinking skills, and intellectual curiosity that propels them towards excellence in academia and beyond.

Case Study: The Explorer’s Journey
Meet a girl we shall call Vanessa, a 12-year-old with a thirst for exploration and a passion for discovering the world’s wonders. From a young age, Vanessa’s parents encouraged her to embrace variety and diversity, exposing her to a kaleidoscope of experiences that ignited her curiosity and fuelled her sense of adventure.
As Vanessa journeyed through life, she immersed herself in a tapestry of experiences, from cultural exchanges and artistic endeavours to outdoor adventures and intellectual pursuits. She explored ancient ruins in distant lands, savoured exotic cuisines, danced to the rhythms of different cultures, and delved into the depths of human history and scientific discovery.
Through her explorations, Vanessa developed a deep appreciation for the beauty and diversity of the world, cultivated empathy and cultural awareness, and honed her intellect and creativity. Her journey of exploration not only enriched her own life but also inspired others to embrace variety, celebrate diversity, and embark on their own quests for discovery in the vibrant tapestry of life. Having found her passion so young career choice was very easy for Vanessa.
You must go on adventures to find out where you truly belong – Sue Fitzmaurice
CBK Newsletter
Parents can help their children with this skill by subscribing to my newsletter, as we will be discussing things in a lot more detail.
Creating Brilliant Kids is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
The A to Z of Skills For Success
In the journey of nurturing brilliant children, confidence is just one aspect of their multifaceted development. There are of course 25 other letters in the A to Z of Creating Brilliant Kids, all of which will be covered in due course. Do check out A is for Adaptability to U is for Unplugged Family Time if you haven’t already read them.
Creating Brilliant Kids
Here at Creating Brilliant Kids, we recognise the importance of taking a holistic approach to personal growth, ensuring that every facet of your child’s potential is nurtured and cultivated.
Our newsletter serves as a treasure trove of insights into various dimensions of child development, ranging from adaptability and resilience to creativity and beyond. While each issue is unique, spanning a diverse array of topics, we guarantee a rich blend of resources. Over the coming editions, expect to receive a wealth of tools including practical tips, real-life case studies, affirmations, mind maps, power words, and expert advice—all carefully curated to support your child’s journey towards success.
Coaching Also Available
But our dedication to fostering brilliance extends far beyond the confines of our newsletter and coaching children. As a seasoned life coach with over two decades of experience, I offer a comprehensive suite of coaching services tailored to complement the teachings of our newsletter. From personalised one-to-one coaching sessions catered to parents, to bespoke online courses crafted to address specific needs, and even family and couples coaching sessions aimed at strengthening bonds and nurturing collective growth, rest assured, I am here to accompany you and your child every step of the way.
Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call
> 10 Years Coaching Experience
Multi Decision
60-Minute Call Duration
Situation Statement
Follow Up Email
Suggested Answer
Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success
> 6 Years Coaching Experience
1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
60 Days Coaching Duration
3 Touchpoints Per Week
Online Coaching Feed
Free Online Course & Metrics
Quick DiveMove forward with purpose
From £80
7 days of online coaching feed
20 minutes of live calls included
Up to 5 touchpoints
£80 with Associate Coach
£125 with Senior Coach
£215 with Head Coach
Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done
From £125
14 days of online coaching feed
30 minutes of live calls included
Up to 10 touchpoints
£125 with Associate Coach
£170 with Senior Coach
£260 with Head Coach
With our coaching services, you’re not just investing in your child’s future—you’re providing them with the indispensable tools and guidance they need to navigate the complexities of today’s world with confidence.
Together, let’s embark on a journey to unlock your child’s full potential and illuminate the path towards a brighter future for the next generation.
Who is Sloan
If you are new to Creating Brilliant Kids you can find out a little more about me from my bio below or look out for some of my articles and collaborations with these wonderful companies.
Sloan Sheridan-Williams is a uniquely talented celebrity life coach, author, broadcaster, international speaker and media-friendly expert. In her 20 years of coaching she has worked with rock stars to royalty and politicians to CEOs. Her VIP clients include Hollywood actors, professional athletes, reality TV stars and those committed to only accepting the extraordinary out of life. Sloan has been featured more than 250 times in the UK & international media and has presented her own show on London radio. She also works with brands from start ups to global leaders such as Unilever, BMW, eHarmony and Booking.com to name a few.
Sloan is a Brilliant Kid herself, having been more than 6 years ahead in every subject at school. With her ability to problem solve at a speed faster than most, plus a background in medicine and law, it is no surprise she is known as one of the leading “fixers in the complementary therapy world”. Achieving fast results in the shortest time, Sloan often tackles problems that have yet to be solved by others.

U is for Unplugged Family Time: Encouraging quality screen-free family time promotes a strong sense of belonging and meaningful connections as children grow into brilliant kids.
Cultivating Connections Beyond Screens
In the realm of Creating Brilliant Kids, unplugged family time acts as the glue that binds hearts, enhances communication, and nurtures meaningful connections. It’s not just about disconnecting from screens; it’s about creating space for genuine interactions, shared experiences, and quality bonding moments that enrich family life.
Family is not an important thing. It’s everything. – Michael J. Fox
Let’s explore the significance of unplugged family time within our framework:
Designating Dedicated Time
Dedicate specific times or days each week for unplugged family activities, where electronic devices are set aside. By setting boundaries around screen time and prioritising unplugged activities, families create opportunities for genuine connection and shared experiences that strengthen bonds and create lasting memories.
Engaging in Interactive Activities
Engage in activities such as board games, puzzles, or outdoor adventures that encourage face-to-face interaction and connection. Whether it’s embarking on a nature hike, solving a challenging puzzle together, or engaging in friendly competition during a board game night, unplugged activities promote teamwork, communication, and laughter.
Bonding and Story Sharing
Use unplugged time as an opportunity to bond as a family, share stories, and create lasting memories. Whether it’s cooking a meal together, sharing stories around the dinner table, or stargazing under the night sky, unplugged family time provides a space for open communication, laughter, and genuine connection that strengthens familial bonds.
Setting Screen Time Boundaries
Set boundaries around screen time and establish a family agreement on when and how devices will be used. By involving children in the decision-making process and setting clear expectations around screen time limits, families promote responsible digital behaviour and create a healthy balance between online and offline activities.
Modelling Healthy Habits
Model healthy screen habits yourself and prioritise quality time spent together without distractions. By leading by example and demonstrating the importance of unplugged family time, parents inspire children to disconnect from screens, engage in meaningful interactions, and cherish moments shared with loved ones.

Scenarios Where Unplugged Family Time Shines Bright
Family Game Night: Gather around the table for a weekly family game night, where everyone takes turns choosing their favorite board game and enjoying friendly competition, laughter, and bonding over shared experiences.
Outdoor Adventures: Spend weekends exploring nature trails, parks, or local attractions as a family, unplugging from devices and immersing yourselves in the beauty of the great outdoors while creating cherished memories and strengthening familial bonds.
Cooking Together: Plan a family cooking night where everyone participates in preparing a meal together, sharing stories, laughter, and culinary adventures while learning new recipes and skills in the kitchen.
Arts and Crafts: Unleash your creativity with a family arts and crafts session, where you collaborate on DIY projects, create homemade gifts, or unleash your imagination through painting, drawing, or sculpting activities.
Storytelling Sessions: Set aside time each week for storytelling sessions, where family members take turns sharing anecdotes, memories, or tales from their lives, fostering open communication, empathy, and connection through shared storytelling experiences.

In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony – Friedrich Nietzsche
Case Study: The Unplugged Family Bond
Meet the Johnson family at least that’s what we shall call them! The Johnsons embarked on a journey to prioritise unplugged family time amidst their busy schedules and digital distractions. They. had tried this a few times but not stuck to it so came to CBK for help. With a shared commitment to disconnecting from screens and reconnecting with each other, the Johnsons designated Friday evenings as their dedicated unplugged family time.
During their unplugged family evenings, the Johnsons engaged in a variety of activities, from board games and movie nights to outdoor adventures and cooking together. They discovered the joy of laughter, the magic of shared experiences, and the beauty of genuine connections that blossomed when screens were set aside.
As they unplugged from devices (which had quite a bit of resistance at first) and plugged into each other’s lives, the Johnsons deepened their familial bonds, strengthened their communication skills, and created cherished memories that would last a lifetime. CBK accountability coaches were on board to make sure Fridays stayed unplugged. Through their commitment to unplugged family time, the Johnsons exemplified the transformative power of disconnecting from screens and prioritising quality time spent together, inspiring others to embrace the magic of unplugged family moments in their own lives.
CBK Newsletter
Parents can help their children with this skill by subscribing to my newsletter, as we will be discussing things in a lot more detail.
Creating Brilliant Kids is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
The A to Z of Skills For Success
In the journey of nurturing brilliant children, confidence is just one aspect of their multifaceted development. There are of course 25 other letters in the A to Z of Creating Brilliant Kids, all of which will be covered in due course. Do check out A is for Adaptability to T is for Time Management if you haven’t already read them.
Creating Brilliant Kids
Here at Creating Brilliant Kids, we recognise the importance of taking a holistic approach to personal growth, ensuring that every facet of your child’s potential is nurtured and cultivated.
Our newsletter serves as a treasure trove of insights into various dimensions of child development, ranging from adaptability and resilience to creativity and beyond. While each issue is unique, spanning a diverse array of topics, we guarantee a rich blend of resources. Over the coming editions, expect to receive a wealth of tools including practical tips, real-life case studies, affirmations, mind maps, power words, and expert advice—all carefully curated to support your child’s journey towards success.
Coaching Also Available
But our dedication to fostering brilliance extends far beyond the confines of our newsletter and coaching children. As a seasoned life coach with over two decades of experience, I offer a comprehensive suite of coaching services tailored to complement the teachings of our newsletter. From personalised one-to-one coaching sessions catered to parents, to bespoke online courses crafted to address specific needs, and even family and couples coaching sessions aimed at strengthening bonds and nurturing collective growth, rest assured, I am here to accompany you and your child every step of the way.
Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call
> 10 Years Coaching Experience
Multi Decision
60-Minute Call Duration
Situation Statement
Follow Up Email
Suggested Answer
Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success
> 6 Years Coaching Experience
1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
60 Days Coaching Duration
3 Touchpoints Per Week
Online Coaching Feed
Free Online Course & Metrics
Quick DiveMove forward with purpose
From £80
7 days of online coaching feed
20 minutes of live calls included
Up to 5 touchpoints
£80 with Associate Coach
£125 with Senior Coach
£215 with Head Coach
Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done
From £125
14 days of online coaching feed
30 minutes of live calls included
Up to 10 touchpoints
£125 with Associate Coach
£170 with Senior Coach
£260 with Head Coach
With our coaching services, you’re not just investing in your child’s future—you’re providing them with the indispensable tools and guidance they need to navigate the complexities of today’s world with confidence.
Together, let’s embark on a journey to unlock your child’s full potential and illuminate the path towards a brighter future for the next generation.
Who is Sloan
If you are new to Creating Brilliant Kids you can find out a little more about me from my bio below or look out for some of my articles and collaborations with these wonderful companies.
Sloan Sheridan-Williams is a uniquely talented celebrity life coach, author, broadcaster, international speaker and media-friendly expert. In her 20 years of coaching she has worked with rock stars to royalty and politicians to CEOs. Her VIP clients include Hollywood actors, professional athletes, reality TV stars and those committed to only accepting the extraordinary out of life. Sloan has been featured more than 250 times in the UK & international media and has presented her own show on London radio. She also works with brands from start ups to global leaders such as Unilever, BMW, eHarmony and Booking.com to name a few.
Sloan is a Brilliant Kid herself, having been more than 6 years ahead in every subject at school. With her ability to problem solve at a speed faster than most, plus a background in medicine and law, it is no surprise she is known as one of the leading “fixers in the complementary therapy world”. Achieving fast results in the shortest time, Sloan often tackles problems that have yet to be solved by others.

T is for Time Management: Brilliant kids with excellent time management skills are set for success by efficiently managing their time and avoiding procrastination.
Time Management: Mastering the Clockwork of Brilliance
In the realm of Creating Brilliant Kids, time management serves as the conductor orchestrating the harmony between responsibilities and leisure, productivity and relaxation. It’s not just about scheduling; it’s about empowering children to take charge of their time, prioritise tasks, and achieve a healthy balance in their lives.
Let’s delve into the role of time management within our framework:
Introducing Structure
Teach children basic time management skills by introducing routines, schedules, and to-do lists. By providing a structured framework for their daily activities, children learn to manage their time effectively and develop a sense of accountability and responsibility.
Prioritising Tasks
Help children prioritise tasks and manage their time effectively, breaking larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps. By learning to identify and prioritise important tasks, children develop critical thinking skills and organisational abilities that are essential for success in academics, extracurricular activities, and everyday life.
Modelling Good Habits
Model good time management habits by demonstrating organisation, punctuality, and the importance of balancing responsibilities with leisure activities. By setting a positive example and emphasising the value of time, adults inspire children to develop their own time management skills and cultivate a sense of discipline and productivity.
Lost time is never found again – Benjamin Franklin

Scenarios Where Time Management Shines Bright
School Projects: Planning and executing a school project, brilliant children practice time management skills as they set deadlines, allocate resources, and allocate time for research, planning, and presentation.
Extracurricular Activities: Balancing multiple extracurricular activities, brilliant children learn to manage their time effectively as they juggle sports practices, music lessons, club meetings, and other commitments.
Homework Assignments: Completing homework assignments and studying for tests, brilliant children practice time management skills as they allocate time for different subjects, review materials, and prepare for assessments.
Household Chores: Helping with household chores and responsibilities, brilliant children learn to manage their time effectively as they allocate time for chores, homework, play, and relaxation, contributing to the smooth functioning of the household.
Personal Projects: Pursuing personal interests and hobbies, brilliant children practice time management skills as they allocate time for creative pursuits, hobbies, and passion projects, providing them a sense of fulfilment and accomplishment.

Case Study: The Time Management Maestro
Meet a boy we shall call Tom, a 12-year-old whose parents enrolled in family coaching. Tom struggled with managing his time effectively due to the demands of school, sports, and extracurricular activities. With guidance and support from his parents, coaching and teachers, Tom learned to implement effective time management strategies supplied by CBK and balance his responsibilities more efficiently.
During a particularly busy week with multiple assignments and sports practices, Tom created a detailed schedule outlining his tasks, deadlines, and priorities. By breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps and allocating specific time slots for each activity, Tom was able to stay organised and focused, completing his assignments on time and attending all his sports practices without feeling overwhelmed.
Through consistent practice and reinforcement of good time management habits, Tom gradually developed a sense of autonomy and responsibility for managing his time effectively. His improved time management skills not only helped him excel academically and athletically but also empowered him to make time for hobbies, relaxation, and social activities, achieving a healthy balance in his life. Tom’s journey exemplifies the wondrous power of time management in empowering children to take control of their time, prioritise tasks, and achieve their goals with confidence and efficiency.
The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot – Michael Altshuler
CBK Newsletter
Parents can help their children with this skill by subscribing to my newsletter, as we will be discussing things in a lot more detail.
Creating Brilliant Kids is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
The A to Z of Skills For Success
In the journey of nurturing brilliant children, confidence is just one aspect of their multifaceted development. There are of course 25 other letters in the A to Z of Creating Brilliant Kids, all of which will be covered in due course. Do check out A is for Adaptability to S is for Social Skills if you haven’t already read them.
Creating Brilliant Kids
Here at Creating Brilliant Kids, we recognise the importance of taking a holistic approach to personal growth, ensuring that every facet of your child’s potential is nurtured and cultivated.
Our newsletter serves as a treasure trove of insights into various dimensions of child development, ranging from adaptability and resilience to creativity and beyond. While each issue is unique, spanning a diverse array of topics, we guarantee a rich blend of resources. Over the coming editions, expect to receive a wealth of tools including practical tips, real-life case studies, affirmations, mind maps, power words, and expert advice—all carefully curated to support your child’s journey towards success.
Coaching Also Available
But our dedication to fostering brilliance extends far beyond the confines of our newsletter and coaching children. As a seasoned life coach with over two decades of experience, I offer a comprehensive suite of coaching services tailored to complement the teachings of our newsletter. From personalised one-to-one coaching sessions catered to parents, to bespoke online courses crafted to address specific needs, and even family and couples coaching sessions aimed at strengthening bonds and nurturing collective growth, rest assured, I am here to accompany you and your child every step of the way.
Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call
> 10 Years Coaching Experience
Multi Decision
60-Minute Call Duration
Situation Statement
Follow Up Email
Suggested Answer
Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success
> 6 Years Coaching Experience
1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
60 Days Coaching Duration
3 Touchpoints Per Week
Online Coaching Feed
Free Online Course & Metrics
Quick DiveMove forward with purpose
From £80
7 days of online coaching feed
20 minutes of live calls included
Up to 5 touchpoints
£80 with Associate Coach
£125 with Senior Coach
£215 with Head Coach
Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done
From £125
14 days of online coaching feed
30 minutes of live calls included
Up to 10 touchpoints
£125 with Associate Coach
£170 with Senior Coach
£260 with Head Coach
With our coaching services, you’re not just investing in your child’s future—you’re providing them with the indispensable tools and guidance they need to navigate the complexities of today’s world with confidence.
Together, let’s embark on a journey to unlock your child’s full potential and illuminate the path towards a brighter future for the next generation.
Who is Sloan
If you are new to Creating Brilliant Kids you can find out a little more about me from my bio below or look out for some of my articles and collaborations with these wonderful companies.
Sloan Sheridan-Williams is a uniquely talented celebrity life coach, author, broadcaster, international speaker and media-friendly expert. In her 20 years of coaching she has worked with rock stars to royalty and politicians to CEOs. Her VIP clients include Hollywood actors, professional athletes, reality TV stars and those committed to only accepting the extraordinary out of life. Sloan has been featured more than 250 times in the UK & international media and has presented her own show on London radio. She also works with brands from start ups to global leaders such as Unilever, BMW, eHarmony and Booking.com to name a few.
Sloan is a Brilliant Kid herself, having been more than 6 years ahead in every subject at school. With her ability to problem solve at a speed faster than most, plus a background in medicine and law, it is no surprise she is known as one of the leading “fixers in the complementary therapy world”. Achieving fast results in the shortest time, Sloan often tackles problems that have yet to be solved by others.

S is for Social Skills: Encouraging children to develop strong interpersonal skills nurtures their ability to thrive in social settings, cultivating confidence and success as they interact with others.
Social Skills: Navigating the Social Landscape with Confidence
In the realm of Creating Brilliant Kids, social skills serve as the bridge that connects children with others, enabling meaningful connections, collaboration, and mutual respect. It’s not just about communication; it’s about empowering children to navigate social interactions with confidence, empathy, and integrity.
Let’s explore the role of social skills within our framework:
Empowering Communication
Teach children essential social skills such as effective communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution, empowering them to navigate social interactions confidently. By developing clear communication skills and the ability to express themselves effectively, children build strong relationships and resolve conflicts peacefully.
Constructive Collaboration
Provide opportunities for children to engage in group activities, team projects, or cooperative games, fostering teamwork and shared decision-making. Through collaboration, children learn to value diversity, compromise, and collective problem-solving, laying the foundation for successful relationships and teamwork in various contexts.
Modelling Respectful Behaviour
Model and reinforce respectful behaviour, active listening, and compromise in social settings, guiding children to understand the importance of respecting others’ perspectives and boundaries. By modelling positive social interactions and reinforcing respectful behaviour, adults provide children with valuable role models and examples to emulate in their own interactions.
Encouraging Assertiveness
Encourage children to develop assertiveness and self-confidence, advocating for themselves and expressing their thoughts and opinions assertively yet respectfully in social situations. By empowering children to assert themselves and communicate their needs and boundaries clearly, adults help children navigate social interactions with confidence and integrity.
The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships – Tony Robbins

Scenarios Where Social Skills Shine Bright
Group Projects: Collaborating with peers on a group project, children practice effective communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills as they work together to achieve a common goal.
Conflict Resolution: Resolving conflicts with friends or classmates, children demonstrate empathy, active listening, and compromise as they navigate differences and find mutually acceptable solutions.
Peer Support: Offering support and encouragement to a friend in need, children demonstrate empathy, compassion, and kindness as they provide emotional support and assistance to their peers.
Leadership Opportunities: Taking on leadership roles in group activities or extracurricular clubs, children practice assertiveness, decision-making, and delegation skills as they guide and inspire their peers.
Social Gatherings: Participating in social gatherings or community events, children engage in conversations, build connections, and practice social etiquette as they interact with a diverse range of people in different settings.

Case Study: The Social Butterfly
Meet a wonderful girl we shall call Sophie, a 9-year-old with a natural flair for social interaction and empathy. From a young age, Sophie excelled in her ability to connect with others, whether it was making new friends at school or reaching out to classmates in need. With guidance and encouragement from her parents and teachers, Sophie honed her social skills and embraced opportunities to make a positive impact in her social circles.
During a school project on inclusivity and diversity, Sophie took the initiative to get involved in a series of workshops and did a school talk guided by her teachers. She really threw herself into activities to promote understanding and acceptance among her peers. Through interactive games, group discussions, and storytelling sessions, Sophie was able to develop her sense of empathy, compassion, and mutual respect among her classmates, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone felt valued and supported.
Through her social initiatives and acts of kindness, Sophie not only strengthened her own social skills and leadership abilities but also inspired her peers to embrace diversity, empathy, and kindness in their interactions. Her unwavering commitment to creating positive relationships and creating a sense of belonging in her school community exemplifies the transformative power of social skills in nurturing empathy, collaboration, and mutual respect among children. Sophie was eventually made a wellbeing prefect and served in her role very well.
The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people – Theodore Roosevelt
CBK Newsletter
Parents can help their children with this skill by subscribing to my newsletter, as we will be discussing things in a lot more detail.
Creating Brilliant Kids is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
The A to Z of Skills For Success
In the journey of nurturing brilliant children, confidence is just one aspect of their multifaceted development. There are of course 25 other letters in the A to Z of Creating Brilliant Kids, all of which will be covered in due course. Do check out A is for Adaptability to R is for Risk-Taking if you haven’t already read them.
Creating Brilliant Kids
Here at Creating Brilliant Kids, we recognise the importance of taking a holistic approach to personal growth, ensuring that every facet of your child’s potential is nurtured and cultivated.
Our newsletter serves as a treasure trove of insights into various dimensions of child development, ranging from adaptability and resilience to creativity and beyond. While each issue is unique, spanning a diverse array of topics, we guarantee a rich blend of resources. Over the coming editions, expect to receive a wealth of tools including practical tips, real-life case studies, affirmations, mind maps, power words, and expert advice—all carefully curated to support your child’s journey towards success.
Coaching Also Available
But our dedication to fostering brilliance extends far beyond the confines of our newsletter and coaching children. As a seasoned life coach with over two decades of experience, I offer a comprehensive suite of coaching services tailored to complement the teachings of our newsletter. From personalised one-to-one coaching sessions catered to parents, to bespoke online courses crafted to address specific needs, and even family and couples coaching sessions aimed at strengthening bonds and nurturing collective growth, rest assured, I am here to accompany you and your child every step of the way.
Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call
> 10 Years Coaching Experience
Multi Decision
60-Minute Call Duration
Situation Statement
Follow Up Email
Suggested Answer
Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success
> 6 Years Coaching Experience
1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
60 Days Coaching Duration
3 Touchpoints Per Week
Online Coaching Feed
Free Online Course & Metrics
Quick DiveMove forward with purpose
From £80
7 days of online coaching feed
20 minutes of live calls included
Up to 5 touchpoints
£80 with Associate Coach
£125 with Senior Coach
£215 with Head Coach
Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done
From £125
14 days of online coaching feed
30 minutes of live calls included
Up to 10 touchpoints
£125 with Associate Coach
£170 with Senior Coach
£260 with Head Coach
With our coaching services, you’re not just investing in your child’s future—you’re providing them with the indispensable tools and guidance they need to navigate the complexities of today’s world with confidence.
Together, let’s embark on a journey to unlock your child’s full potential and illuminate the path towards a brighter future for the next generation.
Who is Sloan
If you are new to Creating Brilliant Kids you can find out a little more about me from my bio below or look out for some of my articles and collaborations with these wonderful companies.
Sloan Sheridan-Williams is a uniquely talented celebrity life coach, author, broadcaster, international speaker and media-friendly expert. In her 20 years of coaching she has worked with rock stars to royalty and politicians to CEOs. Her VIP clients include Hollywood actors, professional athletes, reality TV stars and those committed to only accepting the extraordinary out of life. Sloan has been featured more than 250 times in the UK & international media and has presented her own show on London radio. She also works with brands from start ups to global leaders such as Unilever, BMW, eHarmony and Booking.com to name a few.
Sloan is a Brilliant Kid herself, having been more than 6 years ahead in every subject at school. With her ability to problem solve at a speed faster than most, plus a background in medicine and law, it is no surprise she is known as one of the leading “fixers in the complementary therapy world”. Achieving fast results in the shortest time, Sloan often tackles problems that have yet to be solved by others.

R is for Risk-Taking: Encouraging healthy exploration and careful risk-taking in children cultivates resourcefulness, preparing them to navigate through life confidently.
Risk-Taking: Embracing Challenges in the Pursuit of Brilliance
In the realm of Creating Brilliant Kids, risk-taking emerges as a catalyst for growth, resilience, and innovation. It’s not just about stepping into the unknown; it’s about empowering children to embrace challenges with courage and determination, knowing that each risk they take is an opportunity for learning and personal development. Let’s explore the role of risk-taking within our framework:
Embracing Challenges
Encourage healthy risk-taking in children by providing opportunities for them to step out of their comfort zones and try new things. Whether it’s trying a new sport, learning a musical instrument, or speaking up in class, children learn to overcome fear and uncertainty by embracing challenges head-on.
Assessing Risks
Teach children to assess risks and make informed decisions, while also recognising that taking risks is a natural part of learning and growth. By developing critical thinking skills and risk assessment abilities, children learn to weigh the potential consequences of their actions and make choices that align with their values and goals. It’s not about not doing dangerous things, it is about doing those dangerous things carefully and making sure safety nets are in place.
Modelling Courage
Model positive risk-taking behaviour by demonstrating courage and resilience in your own pursuits. Whether it’s pursuing a new hobby, starting a business venture, or facing personal challenges, show children that taking risks is an essential part of achieving success and fulfilment in life.
The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. – Mark Zuckerberg

Scenarios Where Risk-Taking Shines Bright:
Trying a New Sport: Stepping onto the field or court for the first time, children experience the thrill of trying a new sport, pushing their physical and mental limits while learning valuable teamwork and sportsmanship skills.
Public Speaking: Standing in front of an audience to deliver a presentation or speech, children conquer their fear of public speaking, honing their communication skills and building confidence in their ability to express themselves.
Creative Exploration: Diving into a new creative project such as writing, painting, or filmmaking, children unleash their imagination and creativity, experimenting with new ideas and expressing themselves in innovative ways.
Entrepreneurial Ventures: Launching a small business or entrepreneurial venture, children learn valuable lessons in leadership, problem-solving, and resourcefulness as they navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and pursue their passions.
Outdoor Adventures: Venturing into the great outdoors for a camping trip or wilderness expedition, children embrace the unknown, develop survival skills, and forge lasting memories while exploring the wonders of nature.

Case Study: The Fearless Explorer
Meet a boy we shall call Ryan, a 14-year-old with a thirst for adventure and a fearless spirit. From a young age, Ryan exhibited a natural curiosity about the world around him, constantly seeking out new experiences and challenges to conquer. With encouragement from his parents and the teachings of the CBK framework, Ryan embraced risk-taking as a pathway to personal growth and exploration.
One summer, Ryan embarked on leading a family hiking expedition through the rugged mountains near his home. Armed with a map, compass, and camping gear, he set out to conquer the challenging terrain and test his and his family’s wilderness survival skills. Along the way, Ryan encountered unexpected obstacles, from treacherous trails to unpredictable weather conditions, but he remained undeterred in his quest for adventure and created plans for his family to safely cross the tough terrain.
Through his fearless exploration of the wilderness, Ryan not only developed valuable outdoor skills and self-reliance but also gained a deeper appreciation for the natural world and his own capabilities. His adventurous spirit and willingness to take risks inspire others to step out of their comfort zones and embrace the unknown, knowing that each challenge they face is an opportunity for growth and discovery. His parents found it fun too.
Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing. – Denis Waitley
CBK Newsletter
Parents can help their children with this skill by subscribing to my newsletter, as we will be discussing things in a lot more detail.
Creating Brilliant Kids is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
The A to Z of Skills For Success
In the journey of nurturing brilliant children, confidence is just one aspect of their multifaceted development. There are of course 25 other letters in the A to Z of Creating Brilliant Kids, all of which will be covered in due course. Do check out A is for Adaptability to Q is for Quest for Knowledge if you haven’t already read them.
Creating Brilliant Kids
Here at Creating Brilliant Kids, we recognise the importance of taking a holistic approach to personal growth, ensuring that every facet of your child’s potential is nurtured and cultivated.
Our newsletter serves as a treasure trove of insights into various dimensions of child development, ranging from adaptability and resilience to creativity and beyond. While each issue is unique, spanning a diverse array of topics, we guarantee a rich blend of resources. Over the coming editions, expect to receive a wealth of tools including practical tips, real-life case studies, affirmations, mind maps, power words, and expert advice—all carefully curated to support your child’s journey towards success.
Coaching Also Available
But our dedication to fostering brilliance extends far beyond the confines of our newsletter and coaching children. As a seasoned life coach with over two decades of experience, I offer a comprehensive suite of coaching services tailored to complement the teachings of our newsletter. From personalised one-to-one coaching sessions catered to parents, to bespoke online courses crafted to address specific needs, and even family and couples coaching sessions aimed at strengthening bonds and nurturing collective growth, rest assured, I am here to accompany you and your child every step of the way.
Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call
> 10 Years Coaching Experience
Multi Decision
60-Minute Call Duration
Situation Statement
Follow Up Email
Suggested Answer
Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success
> 6 Years Coaching Experience
1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
60 Days Coaching Duration
3 Touchpoints Per Week
Online Coaching Feed
Free Online Course & Metrics
Quick DiveMove forward with purpose
From £80
7 days of online coaching feed
20 minutes of live calls included
Up to 5 touchpoints
£80 with Associate Coach
£125 with Senior Coach
£215 with Head Coach
Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done
From £125
14 days of online coaching feed
30 minutes of live calls included
Up to 10 touchpoints
£125 with Associate Coach
£170 with Senior Coach
£260 with Head Coach
By subscribing to Creating Brilliant Kids and exploring our coaching services, you’re not just investing in your child’s future—you’re providing them with the indispensable tools and guidance they need to navigate the complexities of today’s world with confidence.
Together, let’s embark on a journey to unlock your child’s full potential and illuminate the path towards a brighter future for the next generation.
Who is Sloan
If you are new to Creating Brilliant Kids you can find out a little more about me from my bio below or look out for some of my articles and collaborations with these wonderful companies.
Sloan Sheridan-Williams is a uniquely talented celebrity life coach, author, broadcaster, international speaker and media-friendly expert. In her 20 years of coaching she has worked with rock stars to royalty and politicians to CEOs. Her VIP clients include Hollywood actors, professional athletes, reality TV stars and those committed to only accepting the extraordinary out of life. Sloan has been featured more than 250 times in the UK & international media and has presented her own show on London radio. She also works with brands from start ups to global leaders such as Unilever, BMW, eHarmony and Booking.com to name a few.
Sloan is a Brilliant Kid herself, having been more than 6 years ahead in every subject at school. With her ability to problem solve at a speed faster than most, plus a background in medicine and law, it is no surprise she is known as one of the leading “fixers in the complementary therapy world”. Achieving fast results in the shortest time, Sloan often tackles problems that have yet to be solved by others.