You know those moments when you’re frozen in place, caught between options like a deer in the headlights of a massive delivery truck of life choices? Yep, we’ve all been there. Here’s the thing: the quality of your life doesn’t just depend on making the right decision but on actually making any decision. Overthinking is an alluring trap—it gives you the illusion of progress when you’re actually standing still.

The good news? Making smart decisions doesn’t need to feel like performing brain surgery on a roller coaster. You can take a few simple, deliberate steps to slice through indecision and boost your quality of life tenfold. So, let’s dig into these eight tips for snapping out of the analysis paralysis that holds so many back and finally start living with clarity and purpose.


1. Get Clear on Your Purpose (It’s Your Decision GPS)

Consider this: if you don’t know where you’re headed, how on earth are you supposed to know the best path to take? Think of your purpose as a life compass. It steers you toward choices that align with your goals and keeps you from getting lost in a sea of random options. If your goal is to write a bestselling novel, for instance, maybe settling in a buzzing city center isn’t ideal—unless, of course, caffeine-fueled chaos is your muse.

The clearer you are on your purpose, the easier it is to choose, because the “right” option often becomes glaringly obvious.

2. Let Logic Lead, but Don’t Ban Emotions from the Room

Logic should be your co-pilot, not a passenger stuffed in the back seat. Many people make decisions based purely on emotions, then recruit logic afterward to justify them. This is a bit like wearing a blindfold while throwing darts at a dartboard—and then congratulating yourself on hitting the wall.

Next time you’re stuck, imagine you’re advising a friend with the same dilemma. What would you recommend? This little exercise in empathy can highlight a logical path without sacrificing compassion.

3. Plan Your Day the Night Before (and Stick to It)

This one’s simple but revolutionary. Make your decisions in advance, before the world starts throwing curveballs your way. The night before, plan out the next day’s major activities. Tell yourself, “I’m going to the gym at 6 pm,” or “I’ll call Aunt Marge by 3.” The decision is made. Done. No more wavering when the time comes.

We’re much more rational when the sun’s down and the next day’s demands are still hypothetical. Decide on things in the calm of the evening and commit. When morning comes, avoid falling into overthinking traps and stick with the plan.

4. Know Your Values Like They’re Family

When you understand your values, you create a kind of personal North Star. Your values give you a framework to make choices that resonate with who you are, and they help eliminate the back-and-forth drama when making tough decisions. If you value adventure, for example, it might guide you toward saying “yes” to that big move across the country. If stability is more important, then maybe the right choice is different.

Take some time to outline your values in order of priority. When you know what matters most, decisions become quicker, easier, and more aligned with your authentic self.

5. Set a Deadline (Yes, Even on Small Stuff)

A decision made is often better than a perfect one that never happens. Deadlines work magic here. When you set a clear deadline for yourself, you apply just the right amount of pressure to pick an option and get on with it. And if you’re really torn, try setting a micro-deadline—give yourself an hour to decide on a small task, or a few days for something more complex.

A deadline doesn’t mean you’re rushing; it’s a reminder that time is precious. Stuck on where to go for lunch? Give yourself two minutes. Stuck on whether to switch jobs? Maybe two weeks is enough to weigh it all out. And remember, decisions aren’t permanent; life lets you pivot.

6. Accept That Not Every Decision is Life-Altering

When you can’t decide, it’s often because you’re worried about making the “wrong” choice. But here’s a liberating truth: if you’re genuinely torn, there’s a good chance either option is acceptable. Sometimes, the best choice is simply to make one and move forward. The worst-case scenario? You gain experience. The best? You find the right path sooner than you would have by overthinking.

And hey, if you’re still conflicted, grab a coin and flip it! Sounds ridiculous, but sometimes your gut reaction to the coin toss is all you need to know what you truly want.

7. Question Your Hesitations (Are They Real, or Just Fear’s Mask?)

The brain loves playing it safe, so it often introduces hesitation, which it parades around as “caution.” This is where overthinking sets in, where you start replaying every potential outcome as if life were a bad sitcom. Next time you’re hesitating, ask yourself: Why? What’s making you uneasy?

Sometimes, we hesitate because we’re afraid of failure, rejection, or change. If fear is in the driver’s seat, take a moment to break it down. What’s the worst that could happen? What’s the most likely outcome? Recognise that fear often clouds clear thinking, and deciding in spite of it is often the wiser move.

8. Embrace “Good Enough”—Perfection is Overrated

Striving for perfection is a prime cause of indecision. Think about it: if you’re obsessing over making the “perfect” decision, chances are you’ll talk yourself into inaction every time. The pursuit of perfection is seductive, but it’s just as often a cover for procrastination.

Worry about being smart, not perfect. Good enough doesn’t mean settling—it means understanding that the world doesn’t usually require flawless decisions. Once you realise that perfection is a mirage, you’ll find it easier to make decisions that are plenty good enough.

Final Thoughts: Own Your Decisions and Keep Moving Forward

Life doesn’t wait around while we weigh every choice to death. And here’s the truth: the decision itself often matters less than the act of making it. The quality of your life depends on your ability to take action, learn from the outcomes, and keep adjusting as you go. Being decisive means recognising that your purpose and values guide you. It means making a choice, any choice, and committing to it.

So next time you’re at a crossroads, remind yourself: clarity comes not from agonising over what could happen but from leaning in and trusting that even if you’re wrong, you’ll find your way forward. After all, it’s a lot easier to steer a moving car than one stuck in park.

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You’re at Decision Café, scrolling through the menu of life choices, and someone hands you a magic rewind button. What if you could hit “rewind” on five major decisions you’ve made in the past? What would you order differently? Chances are, those choices would dramatically shift your current reality—and for the better.

But here’s the kicker: whether it was 10 years ago or last week, many of us are where we are because of decisions that seemed “good enough” at the time but lacked something crucial. So, if you’re ready to stop relying on autopilot and start making decisions that truly align with what you want in life, let’s dive into the big six traps that lead to regret—and, most importantly, how to dodge them like a pro.

1. Skipping the Groundwork: A Recipe for Regret

Not knowing all the relevant details? That’s like going grocery shopping without a list, and we all know how that usually ends. Sure, it’s not always possible to gather every last nugget of data, but diving in headfirst without doing even a bit of legwork? That’s a recipe for regret.

The truth is, just a few extra minutes (or even days) of information gathering can make a world of difference. It’s a bit like dating someone you barely know—it might seem fun in the short term, but do you really want to find out months down the line that they’re into mime shows and celery juice cleanses?

2. Letting Fear Drive (or, More Accurately, Swerve)

Now, there’s no faster way to take your life off course than letting fear steer the wheel. Decisions driven by fear aren’t usually decisions in the truest sense—they’re panic-induced reactions. Sure, moving away from the scary thing sounds appealing, but if you’re choosing solely to escape a threat, you’re likely spinning in circles.

Wise decisions come from moving toward something worthwhile, not just sprinting away from a vague sense of doom. Picture this: you’re in a haunted house and just want to get out, so you run in any direction…only to bump into the very thing you were trying to avoid. Life’s much the same—running from the “scary” without a real goal in mind often just lands you right back in the same place.

If fear is still driving you check out the book Slap Fear in The Face for strategic methods to combat fear.

3. No Clear Objective? Say Hello to a Muddle of Meh

If you’re about to make a decision and don’t have a clear objective, it’s a lot like going to a buffet with no idea what you’re in the mood for. Your options are endless: you might go for cost (hello, mac and cheese), convenience (instant noodles), taste (dessert station), or comfort (the endless breadsticks).

Now, imagine that each of these options leads to a different future. The mac and cheese decision, maybe, gives you a cheap and cheerful experience but leaves you wanting more. The dessert overload, on the other hand, has a high chance of regret later on. So, what’s your objective here? Are you aiming for something healthy, low-cost, or maybe just a good story? Get clear on what you want, and you’ll make decisions that feed your long-term goals instead of just your immediate cravings. if you need help getting clear on your decisions, book a Solve It Session with a coach who can help you solve the issue in sixty minutes or less.

4. Emotions at the Helm? Brace for a Bumpy Ride

Strong emotions and wise decisions rarely mix well. When you’re fired up, your brain takes a one-way trip down the impulsive decision-making highway. That’s why those middle-of-the-night texts seem like a good idea…until morning.

In moments of emotional overload, give yourself time to cool down before acting. Imagine you’re a judge on a big case (that case, of course, is your own life), and as a good judge, you’d wait to give a verdict until you’ve heard all the arguments—and aren’t feeling like you want to throw something at the defense. Then you can make a calm, wise decision that’ll thank you later.

5. The Comfort Trap: The Real Opponent of Progress

Comfort is like that one friend who says, “Come on, just relax, have another donut…” It sounds tempting, but it’s not exactly helping you reach your goals. If all your decisions are based on what feels comfortable right now, you’re setting yourself up for some long-term dissatisfaction.

Think about the people you admire. Chances are, they push through the tough stuff daily. They’re out there doing things that most would pass on because they know that comfort, while cozy, is rarely where growth happens. The more discomfort you can tolerate, the faster you’ll grow, improve, and edge toward success.

6. The Wisdom of Hindsight: Failing to Learn from the Past

Imagine ignoring every lesson from your past poor decisions—that’s a surefire way to make the same mistakes over and over. Think about the last major flop you had (we all have one or two): What went wrong? What could you do differently next time?

Learning from the past is like building a map to your future, marking out where not to tread again. And here’s the secret: each of those poor choices adds value if you let it. Reflect, adapt, and next time you’re at a similar crossroads, you’ll have a sharper sense of where to go.

So, What’s the Takeaway?

If you can master the art of wise decision-making, you’re setting yourself up for a more satisfying, fulfilling life. The key? Take a moment to recognize when you’re falling into these six traps. Ask yourself the right questions, clarify your objectives, and take the wheel from those emotions. After all, the wisest decision you’ll make is the one to take control of your choices now—without the need for a time machine.


Welcome to Decision Café, where each choice is an opportunity to craft the life you want! If you want to coach with us or take a challenge get in touch below.

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Navigating workplace dynamics can be as tricky as finding a matching sock in a laundry basket. Is your colleague genuinely offering helpful feedback, or are they just being critical?

Let’s dive into a methodical brain-based decision-making approach to figure it out. We often talk about the different area of the brain that aid us in decision making and here are some of the main ones and how using them can help you decide what this work colleague is really up to.

S – Safety Crew (Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex)

Start by acknowledging any immediate emotional reactions. The Safety Crew is like your internal drama detector, alerting you to perceived threats. If you find yourself ready to unleash your inner diva, take a step back. Criticism can feel personal, especially when you’ve poured your heart into your work. To tackle these feelings, break them down into manageable parts. If you’re tackling fears alone, my book Slap Fear In The Face is a great companion. Alternatively, a coaching session can help address beliefs holding you back from pursuing the path your heart truly desires.

O – Opportunity Scouts (Ventral Striatum and Prefrontal Cortex)

Engage the Opportunity Scouts by exploring the potential benefits of the feedback. Criticism can expose you to new ideas and opportunities for growth—like finding a hidden gem in a thrift store. Seek inspiration from professional development resources or connect with colleagues who have successfully navigated similar situations. Use this insight to create a vision board of career growth, visualising how constructive feedback can enhance your skills and professional journey. Remember, even the toughest feedback can be a blessing in disguise.

L – Logic Crew (Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex)

Activate the Logic Crew by objectively assessing the feedback. Think of them as your personal detectives, separating valuable feedback from irrelevant criticism.

Consider these clues:

Signs of Constructive Feedback:
1. Specific suggestions for improvement.
2. Focus on behaviour or outcomes, not personal attributes.
3. Delivered in a private or respectful setting.

Signs of Criticism:
1. Vague or generalised negative comments.
2. Personal attacks or insults.
3. Public or humiliating delivery.

It is very obvious when someone is clearly looking for a mistake in your work. If this is the case, you will know but you need to recognise when someone is showing you their true colours.

Reflect on whether the feedback is meant to help you improve or if it’s just a bad hair day for your colleague. Understanding the source and intention of criticism is crucial in determining its value.

V – Value Hunters (Medial Prefrontal Cortex)

Reflect on your core values and how they align with the feedback. Criticism can be your ticket to self-improvement if it resonates with your personal goals and values. If you feel disconnected from your authentic self, consider our 30, 60, or 90-day Be Authentic challenge, also available as a course for a more flexible approach. After all, staying true to yourself is the ultimate goal.

E – Emotion Regulators (Limbic System, including Amygdala and Hippocampus)

When emotions run high, consider flipping a coin to decide whether to address the feedback immediately or take time to process it. Pay attention to your feelings during this moment. Are you secretly hoping for one outcome over the other, or disappointed with what it lands on? This can reveal your true desires. For those moments when you need a little extra support, our Coping with Change challenge is available, and if you prefer, it can also be taken as a course. It’s like a warm hug for your emotions.

I – Issue Resolvers (Anterior Cingulate Cortex)

When you’re unsure about feedback, talking it over with a friend, partner, or trusted mentor can provide clarity. If those options don’t feel right, reaching out to a coach might be the way to go. After all, if you are struggling at work, there are many ways to become more productive and show that you have taken that feedback on board. I offer tailored coaching sessions that can help you navigate these waters, whether it’s through one-on-one sessions, group coaching, or specialised courses.

T – Trend Trailblazers (Orbitofrontal Cortex, Right Temporal Lobe, and Insula)

Visualise the impact of addressing the feedback constructively. If it’s valuable, imagine the professional growth and improved relationships that could result. If it’s merely criticism, envision the relief and empowerment from addressing it assertively. This exercise engages the Trend Trailblazers to help you see which response aligns with your professional vision. Embracing constructive criticism can speed up your progress in life, highlighting the importance of seeking out and valuing feedback from knowledgeable sources.


By systematically engaging each of these brain areas, you can discern whether your colleague’s comments are criticism or valuable feedback. This methodical approach ensures your response aligns with your values and professional goals, leading to more effective communication and growth.

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This Halloween, Twycross Zoo in the heart of the UK invites families for a spooky yet enchanting adventure. From 19th October to 3rd November, the zoo transforms into a Halloween wonderland with the “Boo Crew” Trick-or-Treat trail.

This interactive journey offers eerie yet family-friendly fun, including wildlife-themed spook stations and Halloween surprises. Kids will love meeting Spooky Zoo Keepers, solving mysteries, and earning the exclusive Boo Crew Badge as they explore.

Twycross Zoo is renowned for its extensive collection of primates, including all four types of great ape, alongside lemurs, snow leopards, meerkats, and other fascinating species.

This Winter, its “Gruffalo Discovery Land” adds an extra magical dimension with activities inspired by the beloved children’s story, while the free-entry Himalaya Visitor Centre provides a Himalayan-themed café and a gift shop for the family.

The Halloween offerings this year also include a new live show, freaky face painting pods, and a costume competition with exciting prizes. With “Pay for a Day, Return Free for a Year,” families can enjoy an economical Halloween day out and return throughout the year. Plan your visit for an unforgettable family Halloween at Twycross Zoo this season!

For more, visit Twycross Zoo’s Halloween event page at

Twycross Zoo
Burton Road, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 3PX
+44 1827 880250

Should I Go on Reality TV, or Will It Damage My Mental Health?

Reality television’s allure is undeniable, offering the tantalising promise of instant fame, storytelling opportunities, and potential career shifts. Yet, the reality behind the camera often involves a complex aftermath, encompassing stress before, during, and after filming, as well as intense social media scrutiny. So, for those pondering, “Should I go on reality TV, or will it damage my mental health?”, a deeper exploration is necessary. While envisioning yourself in the show’s final cut, it’s crucial to consider the long-term mental health implications when the cameras stop rolling.

What Happens in Your Brain When Considering Reality TV

When faced with significant decisions, especially those involving risks and rewards, various brain regions come into play. Here’s how key areas of the brain interact during the decision-making process for reality TV:

  1. The Safety Crew (Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex)

Your brain’s “Safety Crew,” led by the amygdala, acts as an alert system, flagging potential threats. Entering reality TV might trigger these alarms, as the brain recognises risks like public scrutiny and online trolling. The Safety Crew, including the prefrontal cortex, assesses these risks, often leading to fear-based thoughts and hesitation. This part of your brain focuses on protection, urging you to consider whether your mental health can withstand the potential fallout.

  1. The Opportunity Scouts (Ventral Striatum and Prefrontal Cortex)

The “Opportunity Scouts,” involving the ventral striatum, your brain’s reward centre, weigh potential gains such as fame, career advancement, or personal satisfaction. Reality TV offers these rewards, and the Opportunity Scouts help identify positive possibilities. If inclined towards creativity, entertainment, or social recognition, this brain area might make reality TV appear as the ultimate opportunity. However, it may overlook long-term emotional costs, focusing instead on excitement and potential gains.

  1. Logic Crew (Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex)

The Logic Crew, in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, is vital for rational decision-making. It balances risks highlighted by the Safety Crew with rewards from the Opportunity Scouts. This brain area encourages consideration of practical aspects like financial security, public perception, and career trajectory. It helps answer questions such as: Is short-term fame worth potential long-term mental health impacts? Will the experience align with my goals?

Potential Mental Health Impacts of Reality TV

Let’s explore how reality TV could affect mental health, especially if the brain’s Safety Crew and Logic Crew aren’t fully engaged.

  • Post-Show Vulnerability: After the show, reality TV’s impact can linger, with contestants facing emotional challenges when out of the limelight. Contestants are put into situations that can make existing insecurities come to the forefront with no mechanism to stop the fallout of those feelings. Without strong mental health support, this transition can be difficult.

  • Tolls of Public Scrutiny: Reality TV often involves “constructive criticism” but can lead to outright trolling. Contestants face critiques of their personalities, bodies, and decisions, which can impact self-worth and identity, potentially leading to anxiety or depression.

  • Navigating Highs and Lows: Reality TV fame offers instant gratification, but the rollercoaster of highs and lows can strain mental health. The Logic Crew may struggle to maintain balance, making post-show life challenging.

Action Points for Protecting Mental Health in Reality TV

If considering reality TV, here are steps to protect your mental health:

  1. Evaluate Resilience and Support Systems: Ask if you have the emotional resilience for public scrutiny and a strong support system. Consulting a therapist before and after the show can provide coping tools for emotional highs and lows.

  2. Clarify Goals and Set Boundaries: Enter reality TV with clear goals and boundaries regarding self-exposure. Communicate these with producers or trusted friends and family.

  3. Secure Post-Show Aftercare Options: Some shows offer mental health resources post-filming. If not, find a therapist to help process the experience. Plan downtime to adjust from media attention back to daily life.

  4. Limit Social Media Exposure: Set boundaries on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok to avoid criticism. Maintain healthy digital habits, and consider delegating social media management.

  5. Build a Long-Term Plan Beyond the Show: Use reality TV as a stepping stone, not an endpoint. Leverage exposure for stable, fulfilling paths like business, advocacy, or creative work. Stay connected with castmates or mentors for support.

Final Thoughts

Joining a reality show doesn’t have to be a choice between mental health and fame. With preparation, support, and a balanced mindset, you can make the experience work without sacrificing well-being. Remember, the real story often unfolds long after the season finale. Prioritising mental health alongside excitement ensures resilience on and off the screen.

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Step into a world of spooky stories, witchy fun, and autumnal activities at Stonor Park’s Halloween celebration near Henley-on-Thames—perfect for families seeking an unforgettable day out this October.

© Paul Upward

If you’re looking for a magical family day out this autumn, look no further than Stonor Park in Oxfordshire, just 45 minutes from west London. This October, the historic 850-year-old estate transforms into a Halloween wonderland for children and adults alike, offering an enchanting mix of storytelling, spooky adventures, and fun-filled seasonal activities.

The Moon Witch’s Halloween Adventure promises a spook-tacular experience running from Saturday 19th October to Sunday 3rd November, ensuring there’s plenty of opportunity for families to dive into the spooky season. Ideal for families looking for a fun day trip from London, Stonor Park’s Halloween event delivers a perfect blend of education, entertainment, and adventure.

© Suzanne Fossey

A Storybook Halloween

At the heart of this Halloween extravaganza is The Moon Witch and The Thief, part of the beloved Tumblestone Tales series by best-selling children’s author Amy Sparkes. Special readings from the story will transport children to the mystical world of Tumblestone Hollow, where the Moon Witch is plotting to unearth the powerful secrets of a magical moon stone. This interactive storytelling session is a fantastic way to immerse kids in the magic of Halloween while fostering their love for reading.

© Paul Upward

Spine-Tingling Trails and Enchanted Playgrounds

Stonor Park’s lush gardens and Tumblestone Hollow, its state-of-the-art adventure playground, will be transformed into an eerie yet enchanting landscape for families to explore. Little witches and wizards can take part in a Halloween Scavenger Hunt, solving riddles and rhymes along a spooky trail that winds through the estate. There’s a delicious chocolate treat waiting for those who uncover the right clues—adding an extra bit of fun and reward to the day.

For younger visitors, the pumpkin patch is a must-visit. Under the watchful eye of scarecrows designed by local schoolchildren, families can pick their own pumpkins and even take part in daily pumpkin-carving sessions (pre-booking required). It’s an excellent hands-on activity that promises plenty of autumnal fun.

And for a touch of friendly competition, there will be prizes for the most creative costumes. Whether you’re dressed as a mischievous goblin or a classic ghost, don’t forget to snap a selfie in the Halloween photo frame and tag @tumblestonehollow to share your spooky style on social media.

© Paul Upward

Family-Friendly Feasts

After all the excitement, you can refuel at Tumblestone Hollow’s Rumble Hut, offering mouth-watering wood-fired pizzas with hauntingly good names like the Petrifying Pepperoni and Monstrous Margherita. For those with a sweet tooth, treat yourself to creamy hot chocolate, traditional toffee apples, or even indulge in some Italian ice cream—the perfect way to round off a fun-filled day.

© Suzanne Fossey

A Perfect Day Out for Families

Stonor Park is more than just a Halloween hotspot; it offers a full day of activities and history. Aside from the spooky delights, visitors can explore Stonor House, a residence with over 850 years of history, and its surrounding 250-acre estate. Wander through the beautiful gardens, or take a walk along The Chilterns Way or Shakespeare Way, which run through the park’s picturesque grounds. Families can also uncover the fascinating history of the estate’s WWII air raid shelter, offering a glimpse into a different era.

With its mix of history, outdoor adventure, and seasonal fun, Stonor Park’s Halloween experience is an ideal way to enjoy the autumn season with family. Tickets can be booked online, and it’s recommended to secure yours early for the best prices.

© Paul Upward

Plan Your Visit

Stonor Park’s Moon Witch Halloween Adventure runs from Saturday 19th October and Sunday 20th October, and every day from Monday, 26th October until Sunday 3rd November. Tickets and further information, including opening times, are available on the Stonor Park website.

This Halloween, bring your family to Stonor Park for a spellbinding experience that mixes eerie fun with breathtaking countryside—and a touch of history for good measure.

Stonor Park
Stonor, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 6HF
01491 638 587

If you’re searching for a premier halal steakhouse in London, Meet Bros is a must-visit, blending the best of Asian-fusion cuisine with world-class steaks.

This halal restaurant masterfully balances a meat-centric menu with sophisticated flavours, offering an experience that feels like a gastronomic paradise.

Nestled in the heart of Paddington, Meet Bros opened its doors in May 2024 and has quickly established itself as a cornerstone of London’s growing halal dining landscape.

Blending Asian and Western cuisines, Meet Bros is a steakhouse experience unlike any other.

Located in a stunning Medieval-style basement, the restaurant contrasts ancient architecture with sleek, minimalist interiors.

It offers a relaxed, refined atmosphere perfect for both intimate gatherings and grand celebrations. With its alcohol-free policy and a focus on community and inclusivity, Meet Bros has become a go-to spot for those seeking an elegant yet welcoming dining experience where the mocktails are just as exciting as the food.

The menu was a celebration of global flavours, with diners invited to select their steak cuts, sourced from premium farms worldwide, at the restaurant’s chiller station.

From ribeye to tomahawk, each piece of meat was carefully marinated in Meet Bros’ signature Asian-inspired sauces, creating a unique fusion of East meets West.

Aside from steaks, other dishes on offer include Asian-Inspired Small Plates, like Pulled Crispy Silver Hill Duck, in addition to Salads, Pizza, Pasta and Burgers.

Vegetarian and vegan options were also thoughtfully included, such as the indulgent Panko Portobello Steak, a deep-fried panko-crusted Portobello Steak Mushroom, served with silky smooth Parisian mash and Thyme
onion jus.

The name “Meet Bros” symbolises the meeting of two cultures — Asian and Western — embodied in their tantalising cuisine. It also reflects the restaurant’s mission to create a familial, inclusive dining space where everyone feels like part of the “Bros” family.

Meet Bros is one of those rare places that seems to balance the impossible: it’s unapologetically meat-centric yet sophisticated enough to make you feel like you’ve ascended into some gastronomic paradise. The experience starts with the Steak Sando, a work of art involving a perfectly cooked Australian striploin, tender yet with a satisfying bite. The truffle mayo is decadence personified, and the crispy onions provide that all-important contrast in texture. The Korean BBQ sauce is the unsung hero, balancing sweetness, smoke, and umami so well that it’s hard to resist licking your fingers.

Next came the Crispy Calamari, which, let’s be honest, can often be a disaster at lesser restaurants, but here, it’s a triumph. Each ring is coated in a spiced batter that packs just the right amount of heat, enough to tantalise without overwhelming. And the chilli aioli? Bold, punchy, and utterly addictive, it clings to the calamari like a guilty pleasure, turning what could have been a simple starter into a headliner in its own right.

Then, the pièce de résistance: Wagyu Beef Ribeye. At £100 a portion, you expect perfection — and Meet Bros delivers it in spades. They ceremoniously present the marbled beauty before it’s cooked, showing you the sheer indulgence you’re about to partake in.

Cooked medium-rare, the ribeye arrives with its intricate marbling of fat melting through the meat, like butter seeping into warm toast. It’s rich, tender, and frankly, a life-altering experience for any carnivore. The side of bone marrow sauce is nothing short of genius — a thick, gelatinous nectar that feels almost sinful in its indulgence. A beef-lover’s dream, worth every penny.

The Asian Style Guacamole experience begins tableside, where the waiter arrives with a tray of ingredients, preparing to crush the avocado right before your eyes — a true performance. The silky avocado, ripe and lush, is delicately mashed with the chilli tomato salsa and calamansi. It’s mesmerising to watch the guacamole come to life, each component melding together, creating a symphony of flavours. There’s something almost ritualistic about it, a connection between diner and dish that draws you in from the very start. Before the smashing begins, the guacamole appears pristine — a photo-worthy still life of vivid greens and reds. Post-crushing, it’s a creamy, textural masterpiece, begging to be scooped up with the crisp cassava chips. It’s a moment worth capturing, so ensure to snap a before-and-after shot of this visual transformation.

And then, we must talk about calamansi — a hybrid fruit that cleverly blends the sweet zest of a mandarin with the sharp tang of lime. Its inclusion in the guacamole is a masterstroke. The citrus notes brighten the richness of the avocado, balancing the chilli’s heat with a gentle burst of acidity. This fruit, native to Southeast Asia, has an almost magical ability to cut through the creaminess, making every bite feel fresh, vibrant, and utterly moreish. It’s a flavour profile that lingers on the palate, enhancing every other element of the dish and leaving you reaching for another cassava chip, unable to stop.

The BBQ Lamb Ribs follow, and though they had the unenviable task of appearing after the Wagyu, they hold their ground. Sticky, succulent, and pulling away from the bone with ease, these are everything ribs should be. The BBQ glaze hits that sweet spot between smoky and sweet, with just enough char to remind you that these have seen some serious grill time.

The one dish that surprised the most, however, was the Miso Aubergine. Yes, a vegetable — yet it was as much of a showstopper as any meat on the table. Charred to perfection, the aubergine is infused with the sweet and salty depth of miso, turning the humble veg into a meltingly soft umami bomb. It’s the dish that’ll make you rethink aubergine entirely.

Rounding off the meal was a helping of Creamy Spinach, which is exactly what you’d hope for — a silky side that cuts through the heavier meats with just enough richness to keep pace but without overpowering. It’s comfort food but done with elegance, the kind of dish you could eat on its own but is even better as a supporting act.

But the real intrigue comes with the Asian Style Carbonara, a dish that boldly plays with fusion and somehow, incredibly, pulls it off. At first glance, you’d think the combination of bird’s eye chilli, curry leaves, and evaporated milk couldn’t possibly coexist, but one bite and you realise it’s a masterstroke. The spaghetti is perfectly al dente, bathed in a creamy sauce that dances on the edge of sweet and spicy. The bird’s eye chilli adds an assertive kick, while the curry leaves bring a fragrant earthiness that marries shockingly well with the carbonara’s inherent richness. And then, the crispy chicken tempura — golden, light, and airy — adds a crunch that balances the silkiness of the sauce, making it feel like a complete reinvention of the Italian classic with a distinctly Asian flair. It’s comfort food, yes, but with a wickedly inventive twist.

At Meet Bros, those with a sweet tooth won’t be disappointed. The Fried Banana Fritters are a triumph of textures and flavours. The impossibly delicate threads of the kataifi wrap perfectly encases the soft, caramelised banana, with the palm sugar adding a deep, rich sweetness. Paired with the smooth vanilla bean ice cream and the satisfying crunch of candied nuts, each mouthful is an absolute delight. It’s a dessert that feels indulgent yet beautifully balanced — one you’ll want to savour until the very last bite.

The Baked Apple Filo Pastry is equally charming, offering a heartwarming blend of spiced apples and walnuts wrapped in delicate filo. The pastry’s crisp layers contrast wonderfully with the tender apples, while the vanilla custard provides a luxurious, creamy finish. It’s a dessert that feels comforting and nostalgic, yet refined — a perfect way to end a meal.

Meet Bros Asian-Fusion Halal Steakhouse is not just another London meat-centric restaurant — it’s a culinary event. Every dish feels like a well-crafted chapter in a story that celebrates food in its most indulgent form. You leave, not just satisfied, but a little bit awestruck. Book your table now to indulge in one of London’s best halal restaurants.

Meet Bros
29-31 Craven Road, London W2 3BX
020 7723 7101

As you step off Camden High Street and make your way down Inverness Street, you’ll still feel the usual buzz of life in the area. However, something new is catching the attention of both locals and foodies alike.

Welcome to El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant, a fresh gem in Camden’s crown, offering a vibrant and authentic taste of Mexico City.

The creation of Aima Indigo, who brings experience from her time at La Bodega Negra and Mestizo Chelsea, El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant in Camden is more than just another Mexican restaurant.

Aima Indigo

Originally from the coastal region of Veracruz, Aima infuses her deep connection to her Mexican roots into every part of El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant, from the lively bar at the front to the colourful staircase leading to the upper floor.

The result? El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant is a vibrant bar and restaurant that celebrates Mexican culture with a contemporary twist, making it a go-to for anyone who appreciates good food and good vibes in Camden.

A Warm Welcome at El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant in Camden

Upon entering El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant, you’re greeted by a warm, welcoming atmosphere. The décor blends traditional Mexican charm with a modern edge, providing an immersive dining experience.

The stylish lighting and chic banquette seating, complemented by vibrant traditional tiles, set the scene for an indulgent dining experience at El Cenote.

Aima’s passion is evident, but the real highlight is what emerges from the kitchen of El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant.

Under the skilled leadership of Chef Daniel Sanchez, the menu at El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant in Camden is a love letter to Mexican street food and his family’s cherished recipes, with a few modern twists along the way.

Chef Daniel Sanchez

A native of Mexico City, Sanchez, who has worked at top spots like Mexcalito and Ella Canta, is an expert when it comes to spices, and his culinary expertise is clear in every dish.

The Starters: Cochinita Pibil Tacos and Ceviche Sinaloa

We started our culinary journey at El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant in Camden with two of the starters. The Cochinita Pibil Tacos were a standout, with the pork slow-cooked in achiote, orange juice, and spices, creating a dish that melts in your mouth. The achiote provides a gentle heat, while the citrus notes from the orange juice add a refreshing contrast, all wrapped in soft corn tortillas — a true taco masterpiece.

The Ceviche Sinaloa, however, was the star. The seabass, marinated in lime juice, was incredibly fresh and tender, complemented by red onion, a hint of spice, and crunchy pomegranate seeds, which brought both sweetness and texture. Light, refreshing, and undeniably delicious.

The Main Attraction: Parrillada Cielo, Mar y Tierra

Next up at El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant was the Parrillada Cielo, Mar y Tierra — a generous platter of grilled meats that’s sure to delight any meat lover. This hearty dish for two featured succulent beef cooked to a perfect medium-rare, plump shrimp, smoky grilled chicken, and spicy chorizo. Each element was perfectly seasoned, bringing out the best in each cut of meat.

Served with warm tortillas and a trio of salsas ranging from mild to fiery, this dish transports you to a Mexican barbecue without leaving Camden. It’s a filling and satisfying main course, perfect for sharing.

The Mocktails: Virgin Daiquiri and Passion Island

Mocktails can sometimes be uninspiring, but not here. The Virgin Daiquiri at El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant, available in different flavours, is refreshing and zesty. We chose the Virgin Passionfruit Daiquiri, which blended non-alcoholic white cane spirit, lime juice, and passionfruit for a sweet yet tangy tropical drink.

The Passion Island mocktail was the real showstopper, with its mix of homemade banana elixir, passionfruit puree, pineapple juice, lime, and coconut sugar. It was like sipping a tropical escape in a glass, proving that mocktails can be just as exciting as their alcoholic counterparts.

The Verdict: El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant is a Camden Must-Visit

El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant in Camden is more than just a place to eat — it’s a full sensory experience that combines the rich traditions of Mexico with a modern London twist.

Aima Indigo and Chef Sanchez have crafted something truly special here, where the flavours of Mexico are brought to life with passion and skill. The lively Camden atmosphere is just the icing on the cake.

For those seeking authentic Mexican cuisine, creative drinks, and a vibrant setting, El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant in Camden is a must-visit. Whether you’re after a casual bite or a lively night out, this is one Mexican Restaurant you won’t want to miss.

El Cenote Mexican Bar & Restaurant
2 Inverness Street, Camden, London NW1 7HJ

Nestled in the heart of Manchester, the Kimpton Clocktower Hotel stands as a beacon of luxury and family-friendly hospitality. Voted one of the must-visit destinations for 2024 by The New York Times, Manchester is a city brimming with culture, art, and entertainment, making it an ideal spot for a family getaway.

The Kimpton Clocktower Hotel, with its iconic red terracotta facade, has been a significant part of Manchester’s skyline since 1890. Originally the headquarters of The Refuge Assurance Company, this Grade II listed building has been meticulously restored to offer a blend of historic charm and modern luxury. Its 270 loft-style bedrooms and suites provide a unique and comfortable stay, with the hotel’s attention to detail ensuring every guest feels special.

Families are particularly well-catered for at the Kimpton Clocktower. Upon arrival, we were greeted by some lovely welcome gifts that contained something for the grown-ups and some fun items for the little ones.

The hotel offers interconnecting and ‘Double Double’ rooms, perfect for keeping everyone together. The special Family Package is a highlight, featuring free ice cream and seasonal treats that delight both children and adults alike.

This commitment to family-friendly service has earned the hotel a spot in Alice Tate’s new book, British Family Escapes: A Guidebook to the Best UK Family Holidays.

Beyond the rooms, the hotel’s concierge services are designed to make every stay memorable. Guests can enjoy curated music playlists, a personalized plant collection, and even pet treats, ensuring that every member of the family, including furry friends, feels at home.

The Kimpton Clocktower is ideally located next to the Palace Theatre and within walking distance of Manchester’s main attractions. Whether exploring the vibrant local eateries, quirky cocktail bars, or the nearby galleries and museums, there’s something for everyone. For those looking to venture further, famous venues like the O2 Apollo, AO Arena, and the iconic Old Trafford and Etihad Stadiums are just a short trip away.

Dining at the hotel is an experience in itself. The Refuge bar and restaurant offers a diverse menu, from eclectic small plates with international flavours to hearty Sunday roasts, ensuring that every meal is a culinary delight.

Dinner at The Refuge began with Pollen Bakery sourdough & cultured butter closely followed by Korean fried chicken wings with a spicy gochujang glaze.

The chicken wings brought a taste of Korea to the start of our culinary journey at The Refuge in Manchester.

Pre-dinner cocktails were another highlight of the evening. Who could resist a classic Old Fashioned or a refreshing Elderflower Spritz?

For the mains (or Bigger Scran as they like to call it in Manchester), the 12oz dry-aged English rib-eye was the star of the show. Served just the way we like it with a rich béarnaise sauce and skin-on chips as accompaniments.

Another highlight of the Bigger Scran menu was “R Lukes” Cumbrian lamb with mint. The lamb was juicy and tender and had been cooked to perfection.

For a hint of Spanish flavour, we chose the Patatas Bravas with sofrito & aioli as one of the sides.

Another delicious side was the Grilled tenderstem broccoli with romesco sauce garnished with a smattering of seeds.

More cocktails followed to quench the thirst and tantalise the taste buds.

For those with a sweet tooth, desserts must not be missed at The Refuge. Sticky toffee pudding with orange-miso caramel and milk ice cream elevated this much-loved classic dessert to new heights.

Another sweet treat on the Dessert Menu was the Chocolate brownie with cherry ice cream, Maraschino & Griottine. It was an excellent combination of flavours and textures. With our culinary journey almost over, it was nearly time to retire to our spacious family room for the night.

Families who enjoyed a staycation at Kimpton Clocktower in August had access to a whole host of wonderful extras at no extra charge. First up was the Kids Breakfast Buffet. Served in Refuge, it featured a line up of delicious culinary delights including, Fluffy Buttermilk Pancakes, Sweet Belgian Waffles, Miniature Chocolate Muffins, Seasonal Fruit Salad plus, everyone’s favourite, Nutella!

On weekends in August, those who fancied an afternoon chillout, kicked back and took a seat in Kimpton’s Cinema Room where from 4pm to 6pm, children enjoyed mocktails from the Post Room Bar before watching a classic.

Kimpton Clocktower Hotel is not just a place to stay but a destination in itself, offering a perfect blend of luxury, history, and family-friendly amenities in the heart of Manchester. For the latest family-friendly offers, make sure you check out the hotel’s website before making your reservation.

Kimpton Clocktower Hotel
Oxford Street, Manchester M60 7HA
+44 (0)161 288 1111

Part of the esteemed Doyle Collection, The Bristol stands as a beacon of Art Deco inspired elegance. It is the perfect hotel for those seeking an unforgettable experience visiting Bristol. The hotel’s recent refurbishment extends to 20 classic guest bedrooms and three luxury suites, all designed in soft neutrals with rich colour accents. These rooms, flooded with natural daylight and offering stunning views of the vibrant harbourside, provide a serene retreat perfect for relaxation and comfort.

Our recent stay at The Bristol was an absolute delight, offering a perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and culinary indulgence. Travelling with a young family often requires a bit of extra planning and patience, but our experience at this hotel made everything seem wonderfully effortless from the moment we arrived.

Driving our Lexus RX to Bristol was a delightful experience. The Lexus RX 450h+ PHEV F SPORT navigated the city’s streets with ease, making parking a breeze even in the busiest areas. The spacious boot provided ample room for all our luggage, and the interior offered exceptional comfort for the entire family. With its beautiful colour and standout design, the Lexus RX was not only easy to spot but also performed exceptionally well throughout our journey.

One of the first things that impressed us was the hotel’s parking situation. Located right beneath the hotel, the parking was not only easy to access but also led us directly to the same floor as our room. This might sound like a small detail, but when you’re juggling luggage, children, and the usual travel essentials, having such a hassle-free start to your stay is invaluable. Reduced amount of faffing about, a flight of stairs or a lift ride and just a simple walk down the corridor and we were at our door. Less than 90 seconds and that’s with a pram! It set the tone for the entire stay, where convenience and comfort were clearly a priority.

The Lexus RX 450h+ PHEV F SPORT made navigating the tight, spiral entrance of the hotel car park considerably easier thanks to its advanced capabilities. As we approached the winding turns, the overhead cameras activated, providing a crystal-clear view of our surroundings. This feature was invaluable, especially when we noticed the paint marks left by other cars that had evidently struggled with the narrow space. However, our Lexus RX 450h+ manoeuvred through the challenging entrance without a scratch, showcasing its superior design and technology. We successfully made it through the car park with ease and confidence.

The Bristol’s location is another major highlight. Nestled right on the harbourside and so close to the city centre, it was the ideal base for exploring everything Bristol has to offer. We spent our days wandering through the bustling streets, visiting the markets, and exploring the local shops and galleries.

A visit to Wake The Tiger, the UK’s first amazement park, was visually arresting and a great way for the kids to spend screen free time whilst having fun with the parents.

Photo credit: Andre Pattenden

Avon Valley Adventure & Wildlife Park hit the sweet spot with a fun-filled day including a foam party, meeting the animals, the spectacular Candy Cannon and a beautiful adventure playground.

Knowing we could return to such a welcoming and cosy hotel at the end of the day made our adventures all the more enjoyable, especially after being foamed!

The hotel’s staff deserve special mention. From the moment we checked in, they were warm, friendly, and always eager to help. Whether it was providing local recommendations, arranging taxis, or simply offering a smile as we passed by, they made us feel right at home. It’s these small touches that elevate a stay from good to truly memorable.

Breakfast at The Bristol was a daily treat. We were particularly impressed with the variety of options available. The vegan pastries, in particular, were a delightful surprise – flaky, delicious, and perfect with a morning coffee. Even our non-vegan family members were won over! The breakfast spread catered to all tastes and dietary needs, ensuring everyone started their day on the right foot.

Dinner at The River Grille was a highlight of our stay. The restaurant’s reputation is well-deserved, and we were not disappointed.

The River Grille restaurant offers an elegant dining experience reminiscent of Parisian canal-side charm. With floor-to-ceiling windows, moss-hued walls, and lush greenery, the ambiance enhances the menu filled with local produce cooked over the Josper grill.

We began our meal with the scallop starters, which were perfectly cooked – tender and full of flavour. They were the perfect introduction to what turned out to be an exceptional dining experience.

We also chose the beef carpaccio, beautifully light after a generous bread snack.

For mains, the selection of meats was impressive. I opted for the Rib Eye Steak, which was cooked to perfection – juicy, tender, and full of flavour.

My partner chose the Lamb, which was equally divine. The quality of the ingredients and the skill in their preparation were evident in every bite.

While The River Grille was fantastic, we also took the opportunity to explore Bristol’s dining scene, and there are two other places we would highly recommend to anyone staying at The Bristol.

The first is Noah’s, where we enjoyed an unforgettable meal. The monkfish was a standout, cooked to perfection with a delicate flavour that left us wanting more.

The beer-battered fried fish was another highlight—crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, just as it should be. It’s the sort of place where every dish is crafted with care, and it shows.

The second restaurant, The Granary, is famous for its lamb, and rightly so – it was superb.

However, the dish that truly captured our hearts was the chicken in brown sugar and buffalo sauce with blue cheese. The chicken was a revelation – crispy on the outside with a succulent, juicy middle that paired beautifully with the rich, tangy sauce. It was an unexpected delight and a dish we highly recommend not to miss.

Overall, our stay at The Bristol was nothing short of wonderful. From the ease of parking and the hotel’s unbeatable location to the helpful staff and the culinary delights both in-house and nearby, everything was perfectly arranged to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable family holiday.

We left feeling refreshed, well-fed, and eager to return. The Bristol Hotel truly offers a seamless and family-friendly experience, and we can’t wait for our next visit.

Rick’s cocktail bar, inspired by golden times and faraway climes, is perched at the water’s edge and features overhead wicker lighting, lush greenery, and a candle-lit charm.

It’s perfect for after-work drinks, catching up with friends, or enjoying harbourside views. Signature cocktails like the Lychee Martini and Mezcal Old Fashion are highlights, and the alfresco dining option is ideal for sunny afternoons or cosy evenings by the fire.

The Bristol has recently launched two brand new overnight packages, ensuring the best experience and the most out of any stay.

River Grille Escape

This package includes an overnight stay for 2 people with breast, 3 course dinner at The River Grille and glass of house wine each.

An Evening at Rick’s

This package includes an overnight stay for 2 people with breakfast, 2 x small plates per person and 2x cocktails per person in Rick’s.

Whether you’re exploring the vibrant harbourside or indulging in the hotel’s luxurious amenities, The Bristol promises an unforgettable experience where timeless sophistication meets the vibrant heartbeat of the city. For families visiting Bristol, we recommend you check out Visit Bristol ( which offers family-friendly guides, event listings, and accommodation options to help families explore and enjoy the Bristol area.

The Bristol
Prince Street, Bristol BS1 4QF
+44 (0)117 923 0333

Sitting above the city on the seventh floor of the stylish Malmaison Manchester Deansgate hotel, Sora offers a panoramic feast for the senses. This rooftop gem in Manchester dazzles with its exquisite pan-Asian cuisine and breathtaking city views.

The menu, a symphony of sushi, robatayaki, and seasonal delights, is a testament to culinary artistry. Highlights include the delicate sashimi platters and the irresistible tempura tiger prawns with special mention of their decadent afternoon tea that tastes as good as it looks.

Sora is not just a meal; it’s an elevated dining experience that redefines luxury so Minipreneur couldn’t help but feel excited about the evening ahead.

First up were some cocktails to get the party started. The Miso Old Fashioned made with Toki Whisky, miso and Angostura bitters was a clever take on a classic with its Asian twist.

When it comes to food, Sora Rooftop Bar offers guests small plates from an irresistible selection of sushi, Robatayaki and pan-Asian style tapas. First up were some delectable skewers of Black Cod with a miso glaze.

For some ocean freshness, we chose the zesty Sea Bass Crudo marinated with orange, yuzu, soy, sesame and nasturtium oil.

Vegans will love the Japanese Aubergine with black garlic, truffle, whipped tofu, crispy shallots and citrus dressing.

Those with a sweet tooth will have trouble resisting the Stem Ginger Marshmallow with Almond Crumb & Chocolate Sauce.

A far cry from your typical Asian-inspired cocktail bar, the ambiance at Sora, enhanced by live DJ sets and the twinkling cityscape, makes this Mancunian rooftop bar the perfect spot for a romantic evening with a loved one or a sophisticated night out for friends and family.

Malmaison Manchester Deansgate
23 Princess Street, Manchester M2 4EB
0330 016 0380

It seems that Gordon Ramsay’s Lucky Cat, nestled on Manchester’s historic King Street, has pulled off the impossible: making brunch exciting again.

Opened last summer, this sleek Asian-inspired haven has quickly become the city’s go-to spot for kicking off the weekend in style.

Now, Lucky Cat has upped the ante with a new bottomless brunch menu that’s sure to lure in the foodies.

Every Saturday from 12pm to 4pm, expect the likes of vegetable tempura or typhoon tofu salad.

For the second course, enjoy a decadent Rice Bowl of crispy beef, teriyaki salmon, or mushroom adorned with mouthwatering toppings.

For £75 a head, this includes two courses and a seemingly endless flow of prosecco. If you’re feeling particularly flush, an extra £20 will upgrade your bubbles to champagne – because why not?

Dessert lovers beware: the temptation of Lucky Cat’s brunch dessert platter comes with a £10 surcharge, but who’s counting when indulgence is the order of the day?

And just to ensure your weekend starts with a bang, a resident DJ spins tunes to accompany your Asian feast.

But what truly sets Lucky Cat Manchester apart is its homage to the 1930s Tokyo kissas and Shanghai drinking dens—a nod to eras where dining was as much about atmosphere as it was about food. The open kitchen echoes this sentiment, where the talented chefs create a culinary spectacle making them the heart of the action.

Lucky Cat’s menu of small plates is a tapestry of Gordon’s adventures through Asia, showcases dishes from Thailand’s vibrant streets to the subtle elegance of Japanese cuisine. In essence, Lucky Cat isn’t just another Asian restaurant; it will take you on a sensory expedition through Asia’s culinary heartlands, right from the heart of Manchester.

Dinner at Lucky Cat Manchester

But Lucky Cat is so much more than a trendy brunch spot in Manchester. The A La Carte dinner menu is exceptional as we discovered on a recent visit to Gordon Ramsey’s Asian-inspired eatery. Even Minipreneur couldn’t help browsing the menu!


To begin, a couple of pre-dinner cocktails to whet the appetite.

Salt & Pepper Baby Squid

We started with Salt & Pepper Baby Squid. Perfectly crisp and tender, the squid was delicately seasoned, giving just the right balance of saltiness and heat. A brilliant opener.

Monkfish Tempura with Yuzu & Bonito

Next, the Monkfish Tempura with Yuzu & Bonito was divine. Light, airy batter encased the monkfish, and the yuzu added a refreshing tang while the bonito provided umami depth.

Australian Wagyu Tataki served with Truffle Ponzu

The star of the show, however, was the Australian Wagyu Tataki with Truffle Ponzu. Melt-in-the-mouth slices of beef, paired with the earthy richness of truffle, created an indulgent dish, balancing luxury with subtlety.

Salmon Avocado Maki Roll

We then moved onto the sushi. The Salmon Avocado Maki Roll was fresh and creamy, a straightforward but satisfying bite.

Sashimi Selection

The Sashimi Selection — salmon, yellowtail, akami, chutoro, and sea bass — was impeccably fresh, the variety offering a harmonious range of flavours, from the buttery chutoro to the clean, delicate sea bass.

Spiced Lamb Chops with Chilli Sauce and Tofu Cream

For the main course, the Spiced Lamb Chops delivered punchy flavours. They were tender, with the chilli sauce bringing heat and the tofu cream offering an unusual yet effective mellow contrast. The dish was well-executed and memorable.

Hand Dived Scallops with Yuzu and Sweetcorn

The Hand Dived Scallops with Yuzu and Sweetcorn were a surprising delight. The chargrilled sweetcorn complemented the scallops’ sweetness, while the yuzu added zing, making each bite burst with flavour.

Selection of Mochi

o finish, we enjoyed a selection of Mochi in strawberry, mango, and coconut. They were the perfect end to a decadent meal — light, chewy, and delicately sweet.

Lucky Cat Manchester exceeded expectations, offering a masterclass in flavour, balance, and presentation. Definitely a must-visit for any food lover.

Lucky Cat Manchester
100 King St, Manchester M2 4WU
0161 424 9150

As Easter approaches, families are on the lookout for exciting activities to enjoy together. While the holiday season is a time for joy and celebration, it also presents an excellent opportunity to engage children in activities that promote their holistic development. From Lego creations in London to exploring historical sites like Blenheim Palace, here are some top Easter events that not only promise heaps of fun but also contribute to shaping emotionally intelligent, confident, resilient, and happy kids.

1. Art of the Brick (London): Fuel creativity and inspiration at the Art of the Brick exhibition, where families can marvel at stunning LEGO creations and engage in hands-on activities. From reimagined art masterpieces to interactive installations, children unleash their creativity and critical thinking. By building and creating, they develop problem-solving skills, resilience, and a passion for innovation and design.

2. Blenheim Palace Adventure Play (Oxfordshire): Venture into the thrilling Adventure Play at Blenheim Palace, where children can explore tunnels, bridges, and hidden chambers. With opportunities for climbing, sliding, and imaginative play, kids unleash their adventurous spirit and physical prowess. By navigating through obstacle courses and engaging in active play, they develop coordination, resilience, and a love for outdoor exploration. There is also the amazing Palace to visit and the wonderful late Winston Churchill to take a photo with!

3. Cadbury World (Birmingham): Embark on a chocolate-filled adventure at Cadbury World, where families can immerse themselves in the fascinating world of chocolate making. Beyond the indulgence, children get the chance to engage in interactive experiences. Laugh along as Freddo embarks on an egg-citing adventure and attempt to conquer a series of challenges to win the mystery prize, The Golden Egg! With plenty of audience participation, dancing, songs, and laughter, your little ones can help Freddo navigate through this chocolatey challenge. The Caramel Bunny will also be making an appearance! Dive into the Easter spirit with their Easter Trail, filled with exciting activities and surprises for the whole family allowing your children to develop problem-solving skills, and embrace creativity, as they explore the wonders of chocolate production.

4. Hertfordshire Family Easter Festival 2024 (Hertfordshire): Immerse yourself in a world of fun and excitement at the Hertfordshire Family Easter Festival. From egg hunts to carnival rides and live entertainment, children engage in active play, social interaction, and creative expression. As your little legends participate in various activities, they develop teamwork, communication, and emotional intelligence, perfect for increasing confidence and resilience in social settings.

5. Hampton Court Palace (Surrey): Transport your family back in time to the days of Henry VIII at Hampton Court Palace. Explore the grandeur of the Great Hall, stroll through magnificent gardens, and let imaginations soar in The Magic Garden playground. As children uncover historical secrets and embark on the Lindt GOLD BUNNY Hunt, they develop curiosity, historical knowledge, nurturing their intellect and observational skills.

6. Wookey Hole Caves (Somerset): Boldly go on a journey of discovery at Wookey Hole Caves, where families can explore geological wonders and unravel hidden surprises. With a new 4D cinema, an Easter Witch, egg hunts, and adventure activities, children unleash their curiosity, creativity, and bravery navigating through cave systems and engaging in interactive experiences. A wonderful place to cultivate resilience, adaptability, and a thirst for knowledge.

7. Wyvernwood Colchester (Essex): Discover outdoor adventures at Wyvernwood, where families can explore jumping pillows, unicorns, goblins, dragons and storytelling trails. With Easter-themed activities including the Golden Dragon Egg Hunt, plus face painting and nature encounters, children unleash their imagination and creativity with no phones in sight. Casting spells with Merlin and many other adventures, really helps boost imaginative capabilities. Watch your children approach the world of Wyvernwood with a sense of wonder and exploration as they meet The Captain, Princess Arabella, Tatiana Queen of the Fairies, Merlin, Sprocket and Gurt the Lord of the Goblins. Watch out for the green bogeys!

As families embark on Easter adventures, these activities not only promise unforgettable experiences but also contribute to children’s holistic development. Each activity enriches children’s lives, shaping them into confident, resilient, and intellectually curious individuals poised for success in the future.

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But if you don’t have time to go on an Easter Adventure, there is still plenty to do at home.

Easter Activities for Preschoolers (3-5 years):

  • Decorate Easter eggs using crayons, stickers, and washable paint to spark creativity and fine motor skills.
  • Bake and decorate Easter-themed cookies in fun shapes like bunnies, chicks, and eggs, allowing them to explore different textures and flavours.
  • Organise an Easter egg hunt in the back garden, hiding colourful eggs filled with small treats or toys for them to discover.
  • Create simple Easter crafts such as bunny masks, handprint chicks, or paper plate Easter baskets to boost imagination and sensory exploration.

Easter Activities for Children Aged 5-8 years:

  • Bake traditional Easter treats like hot cross buns, bunny-shaped bread rolls, or sugar cookies, involving your children more in the kitchen to develop cooking skills.
  • Plan a painting or crafting session where they can create Easter-themed artwork such as springtime landscapes, bunny portraits, or flower crowns.
  • Engage in gardening activities by planting spring flowers or herbs together, teaching them about growth cycles and nurturing plants.
  • Challenge their problem-solving skills with Easter-themed puzzles, riddles, clue based scavenger hunts around the house or garden, keeping them entertained while stimulating their minds.

Easter Activities for Tweens (8-12 years):

  • Experiment with advanced baking projects like braided Easter bread, homemade chocolate truffles, Simnel cake or intricately decorated Easter cakes to hone their culinary skills.
  • Host a DIY Easter craft day, allowing them to make handmade cards, painted egg ornaments, or personalised Easter baskets for family and friends.
  • Organise Easter-themed trivia games or brain teasers to challenge their critical thinking skills and encourage friendly competition.
  • Get involved in charitable activities such as volunteering at local food banks or crafting Easter care packages for those in need, encouraging empathy and making a positive impact on their community.

So, this Easter, however you want to celebrate let the adventure begin, and watch your children blossom into brilliant stars of tomorrow!

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Unleashing Your Child’s Cognitive Potential

Hey brilliant parents, today I wanted to talk to you about the handwriting hack that’s changing lives and boosting brainpower. This is not anecdotal, it’s backed by science and real success stories, and this one thing is so easy to do. so let’s uncover the secrets behind this game-changing parenting strategy.

Meet Sarah and Emilio: A Success Story

Meet a wonderful mother we shall call Sarah, a brilliant parent like yourself, who was on a mission to give her son, Emilio, the best shot at success so she signed up to family coaching. Like any power parent, Sarah was all about wanting the best for her child, so Sarah asked me in one of our coaching sessions if I knew something simple but effective that she could implement immediately. I told her about the power of handwriting! Intrigued by the simplicity, Sarah decided to give it a whirl—and boy, did it pay off. The result wasn’t neat handwriting it was so much more!

The Science Unveiled: Why Handwriting Reigns Supreme

Recent studies, led by experts like Dr. Audrey van der Meer and Dr. Sophia Vinci-Booher, have peeled back the layers to reveal the profound cognitive benefits of handwriting.

When your child grips a pen and sets it to paper, their brain ignites with activity. It’s like a firework show of neural connections, lighting up regions responsible for memory, motor skills, and sensory processing. And the best part? This neural glow translates to tangible gains in learning and retention.

What Sets Handwriting Apart?

So, what sets handwriting apart from typing? It’s all about the sensory experience, folks. When your little one scribbles away, they’re not just forming letters—they’re engaging their senses, fine-tuning their motor skills, and giving their brain a workout like never before. From the tactile sensation of pen on paper to the visual feedback of ink flowing, every stroke stimulates neural pathways in a wondrous collection of cognitive engagement.

Putting Theory into Practice: How Sarah Nailed It

Okay, let’s talk real talk. Sarah didn’t just sit around talking to me about the benefits of handwriting, nor did she ask her son to practicing writing sentences and letters. Instead she took the golden nugget, put our actions plans into place and set to work implementing this in Emilio’s life.

Armed with a trusty pen and notebook, Sarah introduced Emilio to the wonderful world of journaling and storytelling. And guess what? Emilio was hooked! As he poured his thoughts onto paper, his brain was firing on all cylinders, making connections left, right, and centre. We then took the handwriting up a notch and his creativity was flowing with every word, every placement of the washi tape, every dinosaur sticker placed down. A wonderful synergy between paper and person began.

The Big Transformation: From Meh to Magnificent

Fast forward a few weeks, and Sarah noticed something amazing: Emilio was on fire! Not only was his memory sharper than ever, but her creativity was off the charts. By embracing the power of pen and paper, Emilio was unlocking his full potential and paving the way for a bright future. And the best part? It didn’t cost Sarah a fortune—just a pound for a pen and paper. Even taking it to the next level didn’t break the bank, a cute stationery set ranges from £5 to £15 and comes with washi tape, journalling paper, memo sheets and stickers. They are also great presents to give and/or ask for birthdays and holidays.

Exploring the Exciting World of Children’s Pens

As your child gets into stepping away from the tablet and getting back to the pen, you can of course be a little more adventurous with the types of pen you choose. When it comes to pens for children, the options are as diverse as their imaginations! Fine liners offer precision and control, perfect for intricate doodles and detailed drawings. Coloured pens bring a splash of creativity to the page, allowing kids to express themselves with vibrant hues and bold strokes. Scented pens add an extra element of fun, turning writing into a sensory experience that engages both the mind and the nose. Fountain pens and coloured ink provide a touch of elegance and sophistication, encouraging children to take pride in their writing and explore the beauty of calligraphy. And for the budding collectors, special edition and novelty pens offer a unique charm, turning everyday writing tools into cherished keepsakes. With such a variety to choose from, every child can find a pen that sparks their curiosity and fuels their creativity!

The Brainy Breakdown

Let’s delve deeper into why brilliant children should swap their laptops for notebooks and embrace the tactile experience of handwriting.


Recent studies, including one conducted by Audrey van der Meer and Ruud van der Weel at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), have uncovered compelling evidence supporting the superiority of handwriting over typing. By monitoring brain activity in students, they found that handwriting stimulates higher levels of electrical activity across various brain regions compared to typing. These regions, responsible for movement, sensory processing, and memory, light up like a spotlight on a stage when engaged in the intricate dance of penmanship.

The tactile experience of forming letters by hand engages multiple senses and motor functions simultaneously. Unlike the monotonous keystrokes of typing, handwriting requires intricate coordination between the eyes, hands, and brain. Each stroke of the pen activates neural pathways involved in motor planning and execution, reinforcing the connection between perception and action. This multi-sensory approach to learning not only enhances memory retention but also deepens conceptual understanding—a cognitive feat that typing struggles to replicate.

Handwriting Practice Encourages Self Expression

Moreover, handwriting offers a gateway to creativity and self-expression. Children who wield pens and pencils are not merely transcribing words—they are sculpting thoughts, shaping ideas, and imprinting their unique identity onto the page. As they navigate the intricate dance of letter formation, they forge a tangible connection with language, transforming abstract concepts into concrete realities.

Dr. Sophia Vinci-Booher, an expert in educational neuroscience at Vanderbilt University, underscores the transformative power of handwriting in childhood development. Her research highlights the critical role of fine motor activities in strengthening neural connections and fostering long-term learning. By engaging the motor system in the act of writing, children immerse themselves in a rich tapestry of sensory experiences, laying the foundation for cognitive growth and academic success.

Handwriting’s Biggest Predator And Children’s Declining Motor Skills

However, the rise of digital technology poses a formidable challenge to the primacy of handwriting in education. In a world where touchscreens reign supreme, children are increasingly deprived of the sensory-rich experience of penmanship. Dr. van der Meer warns of the consequences of this digital shift, citing alarming trends in children’s declining fine motor skills. Without regular practice in handwriting, children risk losing touch with a fundamental aspect of their cognitive development—a loss that could have far-reaching implications for their academic and personal growth.

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We help parents raise happy, smart kids who can handle anything life throws their way. If you want parenting tips straight to your inbox to help enhance IQ, EQ, Creativity & Resilience then subscribe today.

Handwriting Needs To Be A Priority

As educators and parents grapple with the digital dilemma, the case for prioritising handwriting in childhood education becomes increasingly urgent. Handwriting lessons offer more than just an opportunity to master penmanship—they provide a holistic approach to learning that nurtures creativity, strengthens cognitive skills, and fosters a lifelong love for language and literature. If they aren’t doing this enough in school, then as a brilliant parent it is time to gently prize the technology from your child’s hands and replace it with a pen! Some removals of technology may be harder than others and I would love to hear comments about how this worked out for you, and positive stories to share with other parents how this simple hack is actually a genius move.

Empower Your Child’s Future

The handwriting hack isn’t just a fad—it’s a game-changer for unlocking your child’s cognitive potential. By embracing the power of pen and paper, you’re equipping your child with the tools they need to thrive in an increasingly complex world. So go ahead, invest that quid in a pen and perhaps even splash out on a notebook too, and watch as your child’s brainpower soars to new heights!


*Less than £1: At the time of writing a Janrax 9×7″ Blue Exercise Book (80 Pages) was 47p and a Bic Biro was approximately 29p