Affirmation: “I train my mind”

I control my feelings, thoughts, and actions. I train my mind to stay strong and healthy.

I focus on the positive. I count my blessings and express my gratitude. When faced with challenges and changes, I remind myself of what I have to gain. When I run into setbacks and delays, I find something to laugh about in the situation.

I monitor my self-talk. I reframe my doubts and fears. I give myself credit for making an effort. I accept myself for who I am now.

I adopt healthy habits. I work at making constructive choices automatic.

I engage in activities that sharpen my mental skills. I study foreign languages and play word games with my children. I register for online courses and shake up my daily routines.

I take care of my body. My physical wellbeing affects my mental strength. I eat nourishing whole foods, exercise regularly, and go to bed early.

I stay connected. Spending time with family and friends reduces my stress. I learn by listening to others and sharing my opinions and experiences.

I live mindfully. I help my brain to function effectively by organising my schedule and minimising distractions. I use meditation and prayer to help me concentrate on the present moment.

Today, I give my mind a workout. I maintain a positive outlook and cultivate the kinds of thoughts and behaviors that help me to succeed.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I define mental strength?
  2. Where can I learn more about exercises that can help my brain?
  3. How is training my mind similar to training my body?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “I set myself free when I release emotional burdens”

There is so much to be said for freeing myself from things that weigh me down. When I release emotional burdens, I feel like an uncaged bird.

Emotional burdens come when I remain in a relationship that breaks me instead of building me. Although I sometimes feel the urge to keep going, I recognize the impact on my well-being.

Remaining in a toxic relationship affects my happiness and health. There is great value in deciding to draw a line for the sake of my own physical and emotional wellness.

When I hang out with friends who gossip and express desires for what others have, I feel unfulfilled. Negative energy dulls my spirit and moves me away from a great existence.

Saying goodbye to uncreative timewasters does my body, mind, and soul good. I feel like there is more space to make a positive impact on the world. When I focus on positive things like spirituality and physical wellness, I feel more accomplished. There is power in letting go.

I embrace the opportunities to be happy and at peace. Those are the times when I am able to live my best life.

Today, I vow to release myself of each thing that is weighing me down emotionally. My days are well spent when I make room for healthy energy. There is beauty in giving myself the space to grow in a meaningful and positive way.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are some of the emotional burdens that I am better off letting go of?
  2. How do I know when something is weighing me down?
  3. Where do I go to be quiet and introspective?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “I have a positive relationship with my in-laws.”

My in-laws and I enjoy a strong connection built on trust and respect. I make an effort to maintain a positive relationship between us so the family can live in harmony. I accept my in-laws just the way they are.

When speaking to my in-laws, I talk positively about my spouse. Seeing how much I adore their child makes them feel good about me. I refuse to bring up private marital concerns to my in-laws.

My in-laws love to see their grandchildren; therefore, I bring my children over to visit my in-laws on a regular basis. By being considerate of my in-laws’ wishes, I foster a positive relationship within the whole family.

I make it a point to spend quality time with my in-laws independent of my spouse. A regular phone call, an email, or a note keeps us feeling close.

When I visit my in-laws, I volunteer to help with things that need to get done. I assist with chores and errands because, when I serve them, I communicate love to them in a practical way.

Family functions are a priority for me. I attend as many events put together by my spouse’s family as I can. I truly enjoy the time I spend with my spouse’s family. My in-laws value my visible presence in their lives.

Today, I choose to honour my in-laws by my actions and words.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Is my relationship with my in-laws as close as it could be?
  2. How can I spend more time with my in-laws?
  3. Why is it important to refrain from speaking negatively about my spouse to my in-laws?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “I let go of hurt”

Life is filled with experiences that lead me to feel all kinds of emotions. I embrace feelings that generate optimism. Emotions like happiness, contentment, joy, and curiosity renew my soul. Yet there are emotions on the other end of the spectrum that I also feel, like hurt.

When less-than-positive emotions arise, I make an effort to label what I am feeling and why. Connecting with my hurt helps me to figure out what situation triggered those emotions.

So, when emotional pain envelops me, I first reflect on it. Where did the hurt come from? I endeavor to solve this mystery. However, regardless of the reasons for my emotional experiences, I strive to properly express, manage and release this pain.

Although I contemplate the experience, I also recognize when it is time to say “farewell” to those twangs of emotional hurt. Sometimes, I say to myself, “Let it go, let it go.”

In order to live a clean, uncluttered emotional life, I learn to release my pain.

I imagine the hurt as a big red balloon filled to near bursting. I visualize myself holding the scarlet balloon. Then, I use visual imagery to release the balloon full of pain into the vast turquoise sky, to be carried far away from me.

Today, I choose to recognize my limitless capacity to let go of hurt. I plan to focus my efforts on releasing my pain to experience the peace and serenity that I deserve.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. In what situations am I most challenged when it comes to letting go of my hurt?
  2. Am I aware of when it is time to release myself from my emotional pain?
  3. How do I “celebrate” letting go of hurt?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “I have the power to change my thoughts”

My thoughts are under my direct control. When my thoughts are displeasing to me, I take control of the situation and redirect them. I strive to maintain thoughts that are both helpful and pleasing to me. I can choose thoughts that serve me.

Everyone has the power to change their thoughts. I am developing this skill and getting better at it each day.

When I control my thoughts, I control my mood and my actions. The thoughts I permit to exist ultimately determine my results. I consciously choose what I want think about. My ability to do this is growing by leaps and bounds.

When my thoughts are distracting, disruptive, or ineffective, I take control of the situation. I consider which thoughts would be most beneficial and change the direction of my thinking.

Once I choose a new thought, I can maintain it with minimal difficulty. My mind is strong and capable.

My thoughts can alter my circumstances. I can alter my life and my experience in the world by changing my thoughts. Thoughts lead to actions. Actions lead to results.

Today, I actively manage my thoughts. I only entertain thoughts that propel me forward in life. I block negative thoughts from remaining in my mind. I control my thoughts and my focus. I have the power to change my thoughts in an instant.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. When am I most likely to have negative thoughts? What have these thoughts cost me?
  2. What are some positive thoughts I could have more frequently than I do now? How can I encourage these thoughts?
  3. How can I strengthen my ability to control my thoughts?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Here are Minipreneur’s top picks of books that would make the perfect gift for the young people in your life.

The Usborne Advent Calendar Book Collection

Presented in a slipcase, this ready-made library of 24 beautifully illustrated storybooks is filled with magical tales of princes and princesses, elves and emperors, a puppet and even a dinosaur, the stories offer something for every child aged 3 and up.

Kids will love discovering each classic story behind the 24 windows of this advent calendar and will enjoy sharing the stories with their grown up as the excitement for Christmas builds. Once the big day comes, your little one will have a little library to treasure forever.

£19.99 published by Usborne

The Snowman: The Book of the Classic Film by Raymond Briggs

After the snow settles on a cold winter’s day, a little boy builds a Snowman. Later that night, under the glittering stars, the Snowman comes to life! Together they fly through the night sky on a breathtaking and magical journey, until the sun comes up and it’s time to go home.

This new edition, inspired by the classic tale from the much-loved late Raymond Briggs, features stunningly rendered refreshed artwork based on the 1982 film which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year with artwork and text based on the original animation, alongside beautifully written story narration. The Snowman is the perfect festive read for all the family!

£7.99 published by Puffin

We’re Going on a Sleigh Ride by Martha Mumford & Cherie Zamazing

Climb aboard Santa’s sleigh and join the fun as four bunnies set off on a thrilling festive adventure. With ten presents to find hidden under the flaps, it’s an action-packed treasure hunt! You’ll need to watch out for the obstacles along the way – snowy clouds, church spires, flocks of flying geese – and help the sleigh back to the North Pole in time for Christmas!

With pages made of very sturdy paper for little hands, this book is the perfect Christmas gift, full of festive fun and winter magic, from the bestselling author of We’re Going on an Elf Chase.

£12.99 (hardback) published by Bloomsbury

Curtain Up!: Behind the Scenes at the Royal Opera House illustrated by Lauren O’Hara

It’s opening night of The Nutcracker and the performers at the Royal Opera House in London are busy getting ready to step out onto the stage. Meanwhile, Figaro – the opera house’s resident cat – is poised to take readers on a behind-the-scenes tour to meet the many people working to make the night’s performance a resounding success.

Curtain Up! is a magical new book published in collaboration with the Royal Opera House and illustrated by Lauren O’Hara. Featuring examples from key works of opera and ballet, highlights of the tour include trying on the Mad Hatter‘s wig from Alice in Wonderland; practising for a fighting scene from Romeo and Juliet; adding the finishing touches to the Sugar Plum Fairy’s tutu; learning to ‘play dead’; and creating explosions on stage!

Including an introduction to a classical orchestra, key ballet terms and basic stage directions, Curtain Up! will foster a love for the stage in a new generation of readers. Minipreneur enjoyed the behind-the-scenes stories on every page brought to life by Lauren O’Hara’s wonderful illustrations.

£12.99 published by Thames & Hudson

Party Pooper by Huw Lewis Jones & Ben Sanders

It’s Granny Smith’s birthday party and all the apples are invited. There’s face painting, a pinata, a pile of presents and one of Snake’s finest cakes… Bad Apple can’t wait to spoil the fun! But it looks like this party pooper’s luck might have run out. Pineapple has had enough of Apple’s bad behaviour and is ready to teach him a lesson.

We thought this book was hilarious and Minipreneur loved pointing out all the naughty things Bad Apple got up to at Granny’s party in Ben Sander’s deadpan, painterly-style illustrations. The book is the third title in the laugh-out-loud series of picture books written by Huw Lewis Jones.

£11.99 published by Thames & Hudson

The Faber Book of Bedtime Stories illustrated by Sarah McIntyre

Minipreneur loved this stunning collection of brand-new bedtime stories which promote modern-day messages of inclusivity, acceptance and bravery in the face of adversity. The various stories are full of hope and courage whilst brimming with positivity as an antidote to the at times challenging world we live in.

Some of the biggest names in contemporary children’s fiction have contributed to this engrossing collection of terrific tales to curl up with before bed including talented authors such as Aisha Bushby, Ann Jungman, Ayesha Braganza, Claire Barker, Emma Carroll, Hannah Lee, Ingrid Persaud, Kate Saunders, Kieran Larwood, Lou Kuenzler, Lucy Farfort, Martyn Ford, Michael Mann, Natasha Farrant, Pip Jones, Rashmi Sirdeshpande and Reba Khatun.

This book, illustrated by the fabulous and bestselling Sarah McIntyre, makes a gift of great beauty to be treasured for years to come.

£20 published by Faber

Jim’s Spectacular Christmas by Emma Thompson & Axel Scheffler

Minipreneur thoroughly enjoyed this new Christmas classic from the magical pairing of Dame Emma Thompson and Axel Scheffler. This is the story of Jim: a very lucky, very special, very grubby dog, who lives, improbably, in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Emma Thompson magically weaves the real-life tale of Jim – beloved dog of Sir Henry Cole who created the first Christmas card – with a fantastically warm and heartfelt Christmas romp, brilliantly illustrated by bestselling illustrator, Axel Scheffler.

A Christmas book to treasure, and an adventure filled with high emotion, guilt, redemption, unexpected presents and a life-changing brush with royalty.

£14.99 published by Puffin

Bluey: Christmas Eve with Verandah Santa

It’s Christmas Eve and Bluey, Bingo and Muffin can’t wait to open their presents. But Bluey’s dad reminds them that no peeking or no presents! So, they decide to play a game called Verandah Santa to practice no peeking. What will Santa bring them?

In this typically adorable addition to the hit series, we join Bluey as she learns the true meaning of being good for Christmas. A great festive read for all Bluey fans.

£5.99 published by Ladybird

Peppa Pig: Peppa and the Christmas Elf

Peppa wants an adventure with a magical Christmas Elf! Will her wish come true? It’s the most magical time of the year, and Peppa has made a wish to have an adventure with an elf from Santa’s workshop! When mysterious things start happening all around her, Peppa thinks it’s the work of a naughty elf! What is really going on?

Peppa Pig fans will love this new story perfectly pitched for storytime during the festive season. Minipreneur wanted to hear it again and again.

£6.99 published by Ladybird

Affirmation: “I give myself room to grow and heal from past wounds”

I validate my feelings about previous injuries, but I allow myself to move beyond the memories.

I understand it takes time to heal from injustices. I accept that my past wounds are a part of my being, but also that they are from events in the past. I can avoid letting them affect my present and future.

I clear my mind of negative emotions left over from past events. I forgive past injustices and those who hurt me. I meditate, pray, and even exercise to rid my body and mind of any stress.

My spirit remains strong despite the past.

I am integrated with the ebb and flow of the universe. I accept that life brings both positive and negative experiences. This acceptance enables me to grow.

Whether I am enjoying good times or life is less than ecstatic, I find the benefit from each experience. I make cherished memories in the good times. I learn life lessons and gain wisdom in both pleasant and troubling times.

Today, I am safe and whole. I have inner balance. I recognize my ability to overcome the past and look forward to a bright future.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I overcome my past wounds?
  2. What can I do to avoid emotional triggers that set off memories of unpleasant times?
  3. How can I find fulfillment through overcoming the past?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “I forgive everyone in my past”

I am able to forgive everyone that has ever hurt me. I let go of negativity from previous experiences and set myself free from the prison of grudges, pain, and anger.

I remove the bitterness from my heart and mind. Holding onto this pain is unnecessary, unproductive, and keeps me a victim of my past. I choose to move forward into a life without it.

I eliminate the desire for revenge from my heart as I allow the universe and karma to handle things instead. I feel that it is important to let go and make peace. I reject past pain and anger. I get rid of the blame without residual sadness.

I notice the lightness I feel after letting go of the past and the people from it. I am able to find joy again because I forgive.

I forgive myself, too. I get rid of the constant reminders of previous mistakes and errors. I do what I can to make up for my mistakes, learn from them, and move on with a lighter heart.

I acknowledge my feelings and forgive.

Today, I show forgiveness and move on from my past. I stop allowing the past to control me and my present. I let go of it and the people who hurt me. I get rid of the pain, sadness, anger, and resentment and replace it with new memories I can cherish.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I forgive people without letting them hurt me again?
  2. Where can I get more help to learn forgiveness?
  3. What can I do to make it easier for me to forgive and move on?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Here are Minipreneur’s top picks of books about animal adventures in heart-warming tales and stories with lessons to learn.

Big Hedgehog and Little Hedgehog Take an Evening Stroll by Britta Teckentrup

Teckentrup’s signature combination of simple text and soothing illustrations in this story about Big Hedgehog and Little Hedgehog waiting for the world around them to prepare for sleep will appeal to both young readers and their grown-ups.

Minipreneur loves hearing this story at bedtime but this book is also perfect for afternoon naptime or for any time that asks that we take a moment and slow down.

£10.99 published by Prestel

My Dog, Hen by David Mackintosh

“Why should we get a brand-new dog when Hen is as good as new to us?” asks the young boy at the centre of this story. The adorable mixed-breed pup is brought home in a cardboard box, given toys, and some food-and then proceeds to enthusiastically eat up his loving home. When nothing can be done (and all the pocket money has been spent on new toys) the boy’s wise and thrifty grandmother finds a helpful solution.

Young readers like Minipreneur will laugh at Hen’s boundless energy and parents especially will identify with the challenges of training a headstrong dog. The story teaches a gentle lesson about finding value in our less-than-perfect belongings and loved ones.

£11.99 published by Prestel

Mouse & Mole: Clink, Clank, Clunk! by Joyce Dunbar & James Mayhew

Minipreneur is a big fan of the Mouse & Mole series and loved these three new stories highlighting the joys of everyday life written in Joyce Dunbar’s characteristic style full of charm and humour.

With its immersive text and beautiful illustrations, this book is perfect for teaching children the value of friendship and the importance of working together.

£12.99 published by Graffeg

Fletcher and the Stars by Julia Rawlinson & Tiphanie Beeke

This tale of friendship, adventure and overcoming fears encourages children to explore nature and provides an insight into some of the creatures that come out during the evening, including owls, badgers and foxes.

Minipreneur loved the uplifting story about Fletcher helping Badger combat his fear of the dark which also provided the perfect opportunity to have a conversation about fears and ways to overcome them.

£12.99 published by Graffeg

The Roar by Eoin McLaughlin & Polly Dunbar

There were so many things that Tortoise wanted to do. So many games to play and rocks to climb. Oops. Tortoise is stuck. Being stuck makes Tortoise cross. Tortoise is not having a good day and now he’s stuck on his back and is far too cross for hugs or anything else.

This adorable story from the creators of the best-selling Covid classic While We Can’t Hug teaches children that to cheer someone up you must try to understand what they are feeling – an important life lesson that both children and their grown-ups need to be aware of.

£6.99 published by Faber

The Robber Raccoon – Lou Kuenzler & Julia Woolf

Rosie Raccoon is up to no good, out and about in a grand neighbourhood… but she needs to watch out. The police are after her, and it’s not long before she’s feeling the furry arm of the law.

Minipreneur loved this exquisitely illustrated nighttime adventure starring an adorable and mischievous raccoon. Parents will also love the eco-friendly message of this lovely picture book.

£6.99 published by Faber

Agnes and the Sheep Elle Rowley & Clare Therese Gray

This entertaining story for 3-5 year-olds tells the tale of a Great Dane called Agnes, who is left in charge of the farm and has to keep everything in order. But when three troublesome sheep want to escape the farm, can Agnes stop them?

This book teaches an important message about how comparing yourself to others won’t bring happiness. Minipreneur loved the amusing story and the vibrant illustrations of farm animals in this engaging picture book that’s perfect for bedtime or indeed any time!

£6.99 published by DK

Here are Minipreneur’s favourite children’s books about wild animals and the natural world.

Lord of the Forest by Caroline Pitcher & Jackie Morris

Everything in the forest is new and exciting for little Tiger – grass growing long after rain, snakes slithering, Monkey whooping to his tribe. But every time Tiger tells his mother what he hears, she says, “When you don’t hear them, then, my son, be ready. The Lord of the Forest is here!” Tiger is puzzled, and can’t help wondering: who can the Lord of the Forest be?

Children will enjoy this book again and again with Caroline Pitcher’s lyrical storytelling and Jackie Morris’s beautiful watercolours giving a superlative portrayal of the forest and its inhabitants in all their magnificence. Minipreneur loved both the story and vivid illustrations in this deluxe large format animal picture book.

£20 (hardback) published by Graffeg

Pop-Up Forest by Fleur Daugey, Tom Vaillant & Bernard Duisit

This book contains probably everything Minipreneur has ever wanted to know about forests in a fun pop-up format with stylish and whimsical illustrations accompanying a plethora of fun facts about forests all over the world.

Open this book and discover the wonders at the heart of the forest! Find out how trees grow, how long they can live and which creatures call them home. Explore the wonders of the Amazon rainforest and why we need to protect it, discover the amazing network of roots and fungus under the ground, and learn some legends that have surrounded trees for centuries

£19.99 published by Thames & Hudson

Which Bum’s Mum’s? by Jonny Leighton and Mike Byrne

When a young zebra accidentally causes a huge stampede, he finds himself lost and alone. But he knows he’ll find home again if he just looks out for his mum’s distinctive, zig-zag striped bum. Along the way, he’ll encounter big ones, small ones, spotty ones, tall ones, hairy bums, smelly bums, scaly ones and old ones, belonging to huge hippos, very tall giraffes, lazy lions and many more animals besides.

Written by Jonny Leighton and illustrated by Mike Byrne, the dynamic duo behind Does a Bear Poo in the Woods?, this laugh-out-loud storybook is accompanied by very cheeky illustrations to complete the bum-tastic odyssey. Minipreneur loved this hilarious tale.

£6.99 published by Buster Books

Jungle Ultimate Sticker Book

Jam-packed with exciting images and fun facts about the animal kingdom and their jungle habitat, Jungle Ultimate Sticker Book is one that children will pick up time and time again thanks to its more than 250 reusable stickers.

Any kid who, like Minipreneur, loves stickers and animals will love working through this truly ultimate sticker book.

£3.99 published by DK

DK Reader Level 1: Jungle Animals by Camilla Gersh

This book is the perfect introduction to jungle animals for younger children like Minipreneur who are learning to read.

The book contains short, simple sentences with an emphasis on frequently used words. Crisp photographic images with labels provide visual clues to introduce and reinforce vocabulary.

£3.99 published by DK

Usborne Beginners: Giraffes

What sounds do giraffes make? How do they bend down to the ground to drink? How tall is a baby giraffe? This book has all the answers and much more, along with photographs, step-by-step illustrations, simple text and links to websites with video clips and activities.

This book is perfect for children who love learning facts about animals or who, like Minipreneur, are learning about wild animals in school.

£5.99 published by Usborne

Affirmation: “I channel my emotions towards positive choices”

I embrace my emotions because they connect me to my true inner self. They help me honestly express how I feel. My feelings are an integral part of me.

Even when what I am going through generates negative feelings, I use my emotions constructively. It is easy for me to find solutions to issues when I am emotionally charged up.

Sometimes taking a moment to confront my emotional state is what I need. Giving myself that chance helps me to turn any negativity into a learning experience. When I view my feelings that way, I am able to make sound choices.

Today, I take hold of each of my emotions because they help to complete me. I am committed to using them to build a healthy and positive existence. My decisions in life are based on acknowledging and respecting my true self.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I make the necessary adjustment when I find myself caught up in negative emotions?
  2. When is it okay for me to acknowledge that I am unsure of what decision to make?
  3. What can I do to manage my emotions so they are more positive?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Here are Minipreneur’s top picks of books which help children learn about the world around them and also learn to love reading for themselves.

Invertebrates are Cool! by Nicola Davies & Abbie Cameron

Award-winning children’s author and zoologist Nicola Davies presents key facts about some of the world’s most infamous invertebrates in a simple and easy-to-understand rhyming text. Accompanied by fun, colourful but accurately detailed illustrations of the creatures by Abbie Cameron, this text is perfect for introducing children aged 3-7 to the variety of wildlife.

This is the fifth book in the Animal Surprises series which encourages children to engage with the natural world around them and find out about other species that live further afield.

£7.99 published by Graffeg

The Pancake Champ – Joanna Nadin & Ana Gómez

Manjit is going to his new friend Leon’s house for tea. There’s lots to be worried about… What if they have a scary dog? What if Leon’s dad is a dragon? But worst of all, what if they’re having pancakes for tea!

This relatable comedy about new friendships from prolific children’s writer Joanna Nadin is perfect for Key Stage 1 (KS1) children who are learning to read by themselves. It features lively colour illustrations by Ana Gómez and a storyline that encourages picky eaters to try new foods. This is a turquoise book band from the Bloomsbury Young Readers collection that’s ideal for 6 to 7 year-olds learning to read at Oxford Level 7. The book contains approximately 750 words.

£5.99 published by Bloomsbury Education

The Snotty Dribbler – Effua Gleed & Kamala Nair

Blay thinks being an older brother is so uncool. He finds his baby sister Bethany boring, annoying, and very snotty. But when Bethany is taken to hospital one night, Blay starts to worry. Maybe he does care about Bethany just a little bit…

This family tale from storyteller Effua Gleed is perfect for Key Stage 1 (KS1) children who are learning to read by themselves. It features colour illustrations by Kamala Nair and a heartfelt sibling relationship that Minipreneur, like in the case of many children, was able to relate to. This is a white book band from the Bloomsbury Young Readers collection that’s ideal for 6 to 7 year-olds learning to read at Oxford Level 10. The book contains approximately 1500 words.

£5.99 published by Bloomsbury Education

First Questions & Answers: Where Does My Food Go? by Katie Daynes & Daniel Taylor

From what happens when you swallow to why poo is brown, this enlightening book takes a rumbling, gurgling trip through the digestive system, meeting helpful juices, blood cells, vitamins and minerals along the way.

This lift-the-flap book helped Minipreneur to discover the different stages of digestion, the various roles that the teeth, tongue, liver and pancreas play, and how different foods help the body to function. This is a highly recommended book to introduce young children to human biology.

£9.99 published by Usborne

Very First Questions & Answers: What’s Inside Me? by Katie Daynes & Marta Álvarez Miguéns

What gives me shape? How do I move? What’s blood for? And where does my food go? These are questions that grown-ups will face from their little ones as they grow up and these questions and more are expertly tackled in this informative lift-the-flap book written by Katie Daynes with fun illustrations by Marta Álvarez Miguéns.

Minipreneur loved taking a peek inside the human body and discovering what was really going on with help from a characterful cast of body parts.

£7.99 published by Usborne

My Family and Other Families by Richard & Lewis Edwards-Middleton and Andy Passchier

A book for every family, this story gently shows children that it’s wonderfully normal for every family to be different and the things that set us apart can bring us closer. Minipreneur enjoyed this fun and engaging story which has plenty of re-read potential.

Featuring bold, colourful illustrations and an inspiring message that all families are equal and are unique in their own way, toddlers and young children will love reading along and engaging in this sweet story that celebrates all different types of families with a clear message of diversity, difference and acceptance.

£6.99 published by DK

DKfindout! Animals

DKfindout! Animals teaches children everything they would want to know about the animal kingdom. With beautiful photography, lively illustrations, and key curriculum information, the DKfindout! series will satisfy any child who is eager to learn and acquire facts – and keep them coming back for more!

Perfect for young animal lovers like Minipreneur, DKfindout! Animals is packed with up-to-date information, fun quizzes and incredible images of all their favourite creatures, from mammals to reptiles. From what makes up a bird and how animals use camouflage to hide, to which animal spends the longest time in bed, DKfindout! Animals will surprise and delight young readers.

£7.99 published by DK

Affirmation: “I can control my thoughts”

I take direct action to manage my thoughts. An important part of controlling my mind is the ability to stop unwanted thoughts. When I experience the same idea repetitively, I make a conscious decision to limit how long I will think about that topic. This way, I prevent my thoughts from tiring me emotionally.

Although any challenging event can trigger me to have recurring or troublesome thoughts, I usually manage my mind well. Calmly, I reflect on whatever the situation is that I am experiencing. My deliberations are focused.

I resolve any conflicts that come my way through effective management of my thinking. I take control of my thoughts to minimize my experiences of uncomfortable feelings. Then, I move on with my life and all its routines.

Each day, I tell myself that I can be successful at keeping my thoughts under control. I have been victorious in the past with managing my mind and I see triumph in the future as well.

Controlling my thinking brings positive energy into my life. I discover the rewards of peacefulness and serenity through managing my mind. My path is free of any constraints when I choose my own thoughts.

Today, I am content with life because I know I can control my thinking. I plan to re-affirm my goal to successfully manage my thoughts.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I have thoughts that I struggle to manage?
  2. What are the specific types of thoughts I experience that are challenging to control?
  3. How can I ensure that I triumph in my quest to control my thoughts?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Here are Minipreneur’s favourite children’s books with a magical, mythical or fantastical edge to their stories.

Achoo! by Simon Philip & Nathan Reed

You probably know it’s good manners to always cover your nose when you sneeze. But when Sid forgets this very simple rule, the consequences are wilder than he could ever have predicted.

Minipreneur loved this hilarious & inventive sneeze-driven joyride featuring elephants, pirates, acrobats, giants, princesses and a whole lot of pandas. Sneezing will never be the same for your little one again!

£6.99 published by Bloomsbury

The Monster Who Was Scared of Soap by Amy Sparkes & Jack Viant

Bloomsbury Young Readers are the perfect way to get children reading, with book-banded stories by brilliant authors. Each book is filled with gorgeous colour illustrations, tips for parents and fun activity ideas to help Key Stage 1 (KS1) children get the most out of stories they are learning to read by themselves.

Ideal for children aged 6 to 7 years old practising reading at home, The Monster Who Was Scared of Soap is a gold band book with approximately 1250 words for Oxford Level 9 and phonic phase 6. The book tells a laugh-out-loud, zany story about monsters, friendship and bath times. It features colour illustrations by Jack Viant and lovable characters created by the much-loved children’s author Amy Sparkes.

£5.99 published by Bloomsbury Education

Greek Myths for Little Children by Rosie Dickins & Sara Ugolotti

This ideal introduction to the magical world of Greek mythology contains five Greek myths that grown-ups will recognise which are retold for younger children by Rosie Dickins with beautiful illustrations by Sara Ugolotti.

Little children will meet foolish King Midas, the wise goddess Athena and the musician Arion in addition to finding out what was inside Pandora’s box and discovering how the strong yet cunning hero Heracles cleaned some very smelly stables. If your little ones are anything like Minipreneur, they will want to hear these specially selected myths again and again.

£12.99 published by Usborne

Grimms’ Fairy Tales by Elli Woollard & Marta Altes

This beautiful gift edition of Grimms’ Fairy Tales features five classic stories, charmingly retold by Elli Woollard in rhyming verse with stunning illustrations by Marta Altes. The five stories are Cinderella, Little Red Cap, The Musicians of Bremen, Hansel & Gretel and The Elves & the Shoemaker.

Perfect for new and younger readers, this unique collection of Grimms’ Fairy Tales is a fresh and funny take on the iconic original tales by the brothers Grimm and will delight children and adults alike.

£14.99 published by Macmillan Children’s Books

The Macmillan Collection of Myths and Legends

Another glorious gift hardback from Macmillan, this beautiful hardback treasury contains over forty myths and legends from around the world including stories from Ancient Greek and Norse mythologies such as Theseus and the Minotaur and Ragnaroek in addition to famous British legends including The Sword in the Stone, alongside lesser known stories.

There are also tales of spirits from Spain, fish Gods from China, an Australian Aboriginal frog that drank up all of the water in the world, and many more. Fully illustrated throughout with beautiful colour and line-work images, in addition to a foiled cut-through cover, foiled edges and a ribbon marker, The Macmillan Collection of Myths and Legends is a book that Minipreneur will want us to share at storytime and treasure on his bookshelves for years to come.

£35 published by Macmillan Children’s Books

Wonderful Moominvalley by Amanda Li

Illustrated throughout with gorgeous full-colour art from the acclaimed animation, Wonderful Moominvalley is the fourth storybook in the Adventures in Moominvalley series, based on episodes from Moominvalley series 3.

Bursting with adventure and full of the Moomins’ trademark humour, kindness and tolerance, this beautiful collection of stories captures all the wit and whimsy of Tove Jansson’s original Moomin stories and will be treasured by new younger Moomin fans like Minipreneur as well as older fans of Tove Jansson’s work.

£12.99 published by Macmillan Children’s Books