Affirmation: “I recognise my talents”

I sometimes find myself feeling unsure if I try to live up to the expectations of others. But then, I remind myself that I am unique. There is no one else exactly like me who shares the same talents.

I refrain from comparing myself to others. I possess my own special list of character traits, skills, and talents.

My repertoire of skills spans from my home life, to my work life, to activities I do in my spare time. I recognise my abilities and use them each day.

At home, I treat my partner in ways that show how much I care. I am confident that I can bring out the best in my kids. Performing tasks around the house helps me identify other talents I possess.

At work, I am confident that I can fulfill whatever duties need to be completed. Many of the jobs I perform show my talents to others. I am proud of my efforts.

Today, I am making a list of my skills. I possess talents in all areas of my life, including my family relationships, work behaviors, and social life. My confidence is high because I recognize the things I am good at.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I be fully aware of my talents?
  2. What are my top five talents?
  3. How do I feel when others notice or comment on my talents?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Children can benefit from finance education at an early age. A study from the University of Cambridge, “Habit Formation and Learning in Young Children,” found that money habits are formed by age 7. Researchers share it’s important to start basic finance education by age 3.

Children pick up money habits quickly, so giving them the right direction is crucial.

  1. Start with basic currency literacy. A study from Yale University found that children can recognise and remember coins by the age of 3. Educate your children about the different coins and currencies. Consider teaching them about foreign currencies during vacations. This will expand their minds and help them learn more about the countries you’re visiting.
  2. Create money jars. Money jars are a fun and easy way to educate your child. You can create three types of money jars. Jars for spending, saving, and giving. Use the jars to cover the basic lessons of understanding how to use money. Teach your children how to use the three jars and why they’re important. Use the jars to separate money after birthday gifts or allowance payments. Children will learn how to save for the future. Use the giving jar for charities. Children will learn about giving and understand how they can help others with their money. They can donate the money to local animal shelters or food pantries.
  3. Use coupons. Coupons, loyalty cards and reward schemes can provide an important lesson on saving. Cut out coupons with help from your children and leave them in charge of handling the papers at the store. Let them be in charge of handing in the rewards cards, collecting the points and exchanging them for rewards, even if it is just collecting the free chicken in Nandos on their qualifying visit. According to the Children’s Financial Network, kids as young as 5 can benefit from learning from these methods. They will see how to save money and make wiser shopping decisions.
  4. Set a money goal. Children can set a money goal to purchase a favourite toy or another item. Money goals are an easy way to teach children financial patience. They also provide a lesson on how to save money. It’s important to set realistic goals, so children will be motivated to stay on a savings plan. If the toy they want is expensive, it can take a while to reach their goals. Will they stay interested? Picking smaller and less expensive targets is better.
  5. Go shopping. Let your children use their spend jars at the store to make purchases. Shopping provides an easy lesson setting. How will your children spend their money? Will they use their entire jars at one store or spread them out over many shopping trips? An outing to the local toy store also gives you the chance to discuss comparison shopping. Point out different prices on similar items and teach your children about finding inexpensive options. Evaluating the results of the shopping trip will help them understand their choices. How will they restock their spend jars?
  6. Use car boot sales or eBay to educate children about finances. These techniques can help you clean out your children’s rooms and teach them about money at the same time. Ask your children if they want to participate by selling their old toys or clothes to enable them to buy new ones. Help them select items they no longer use and find appropriate prices for them. They can use the experience to refill their money jars. Older children can help sell items at the sale. They can keep track of change and watch customers. This is also a valuable opportunity to learn about price negotiations with customers.

Finance education can begin before your children are in school. It’s important for them to understand basic money rules and form the right habits.

Unlock the key to educating your small children about money with our exclusive coaching packages! Tailored to meet your family’s unique needs, our offerings provide unparalleled support. With access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed and online journals, guidance is just a message away – even between sessions. Share your thoughts, problems, and achievements confidently, knowing your coach will respond promptly, with feeds checked multiple times throughout the day and beyond normal working hours. Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to creating wonderful memories with your children while teaching them valuable financial lessons.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your family’s relationship with money! Choose your coaching package now and embark on the journey to a brighter financial future together!

Take your parenting skills to new heights by exploring our coaching courses below.

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “I avoid putting pressure on myself to fit in”

There is a place for me in this world. My peace of mind and contentment are achievable in the space that is mine. I stay away from searching for happiness in the reality of others around me.

I avoid putting pressure on myself to fit in with others. Although someone else’s life may be appealing, I stay away from seeing it as the only way to happiness.

Friends sometimes discuss experiences that I get a sense of longing for. But I avoid using their reality to force myself into situations. I know that wonderful experiences present themselves to me when the time is right.

My relationships with my friends are based on being true to myself. I feel at ease with a relationship when it allows me to be myself.

My work environment is filled with successful professionals. While I marvel at their accomplishments, I stay far from misrepresenting mine for their approval. I excitedly look forward to feeling the joy of having my own victory at work in due time.

Today, my reality in this moment is one that is meant for me. I embrace where I am today because it is part of a bigger picture. I am committed to being true about who I am to others and living an authentic life.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I portray myself to others?
  2. How do I maintain self-confidence after comparing my reality to someone else’s?
  3. How do I handle situations in which someone tries to make me feel small?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Few things are more important in life than the bond you share with your children. If you lack a close relationship with your kids, the bond can be a source of pain and anguish, while a strong connection with your kids can bring incredible joy and happiness.

If you’ve lost the closeness that you crave, you can strengthen the relationship in four practical ways.

1. Help Them With Homework

Help your children with their homework to show them that you’re interested in their education. This also lets them know that they can rely on you when they need help. The message you send is that they’re more valuable to you than anything else you could be spending your time doing.

Life is hectic and time is short and, one day, the time to develop this bond may be gone. Seize the day by taking the time to help your kids with their homework. If you do this on a regular basis, you may find the conversation wandering away from homework to topics that give you a glimpse into what’s most important to your kids.

2. Share Their Interests

Join your kids in activities and interests that they choose. Children naturally gravitate toward projects and activities they’re interested in, so ask questions about the activities they choose to engage in! Become curious about what makes them tick, and let them know that you’re curious. Fuel their passion and draw them close to you by sharing in what they love.

3. Find Common Interests

If you feel like you have nothing in common with your children, try to expose them to something that you really care about. Introduce them to your passions in a kid-friendly way and make the activity as fun for them as possible, while sharing your interests with them.

Often, your enthusiasm and interest in your children will cause them to become interested in the things you like, but be willing to accept that they may not enjoy the same things you do, no matter how hard you try. The closeness you experience when you share something you both enjoy is exhilarating.

Most lifelong passions start at childhood. Many passions are handed down from generation to generation. If you desire a lifelong closeness with your children, introduce them to the things you care about. Involve them and stir their curiosity, while communicating acceptance and love no matter what their interests may be.

If you aren’t sure where to begin, try one of these activities:

  • Take your children fishing.
  • Take them to your favorite team’s sporting event.
  • Take them shopping at their favorite store.
  • Try a mommy or daddy date with a meal at your favorite restaurant (or theirs).
  • Show them your favorite (age-appropriate) movie.
  • Read a favorite book together.

Frequently, the activity itself isn’t what children remember. The time you spend with them creates the memory. Your availability and interest are the two most important factors in creating the close relationship you deserve with your children.

4. Include Everyone

With one child, it’s fairly easy to incorporate the entire family in activities that strengthen the bond between you. If you have more than one child, however, remember to spread your attention and activities among them as evenly as possible.

A little effort goes a long way. Just make an effort, and your children will see that you really do want a close relationship with them more than anything else. Most importantly, begin today! It’s easier to create bonds with your children that last forever when they’re younger. Make your children a priority, and you’ll be rewarded with a bond that will last a lifetime.

Unlock the secret to a stronger, happier family bond today! Our exclusive coaching packages offer unparalleled support tailored to your family’s needs. Gain access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed and online journals, ensuring guidance whenever you need it most – even between sessions. Post your thoughts, problems, and achievements, and rest assured that your coach will respond promptly, with feeds checked multiple times throughout the day and beyond normal working hours. Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to creating wonderful memories with your children.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your family dynamic – choose your coaching package now and embark on the journey to a brighter future together!

To take your relationship with your children to the next level, check out one of the coaching courses below.

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “Being different makes me interesting”

I celebrate my uniqueness. I feel good about having traits that stand out in a crowd. Being different from the norm makes me an interesting person.

I sometimes feel like the odd one out when I am around my co-workers. I know it is normal to want to fit in. But I avoid compromising my values just to be considered a part of the group.

I make presentations my own by putting my personality into what I do. I bank on my people skills to break the ice. It helps me grab the interest of my audience.

When I am myself, I am at ease. I rarely feel nervous or uncomfortable when I embrace my true self. I am able to focus on the mission at hand when I avoid trying to be what others expect.

I realise that my fun-loving side helps others warm up to me.

With fashion, I avoid wearing what is trendy. I instead choose to wear what suits my body and personality. I am most comfortable in clothes that are made for me.

I believe that many of life’s opportunities come about because I remain true to myself. It is easy for me to maintain integrity when I stick to being me and embrace my differences.

Today, I believe that my true self is my best self. I commit to being honest about who I am and what I have accomplished. My mission is to show that integrity results in many successes.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. When have I wished I had the same possessions as my peers?
  2. Why does being different sometimes result in lost opportunities?
  3. What are some ways in which I am true to myself?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “I discover more about myself each day”

Like everyone else, I am a complex and multi-faceted individual. I currently enjoy many talents and gifts, but I have many more that lie untapped. I look forward to discovering all that I have to offer the world and myself.

I frequently surprise myself with my vast capabilities. This phenomenon keeps me enthusiastic. Yet, I remain humble. As I realize my own gifts, I recognize the numerous gifts that everyone else has to offer. I am more open to discovering new talents in myself if I remain humble and open-minded.

I know I have many perspectives and preferences of which I am unaware. I find myself interesting. I want to know more.

I am able to laugh at myself as I discover my quirks. These silly characteristics make me unique and lovable. I smile at myself every day.

I try new things and introduce myself to new people on a regular basis. New activities and people create opportunities to discover more about myself.

I like to reflect on how much I have grown over the years. I am encouraged to continue growing and evolving. It excites me to consider what I might experience. I wonder how powerful I can become.

Today, I look forward to discovering more about myself. I want to experience something new today and use that to unlock a new talent. I am committed to learning more about who I am.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What do you know about yourself today that you did not 5 years ago?
  2. What new activity would you most like to experience?
  3. Do you need to add some new people to your life to fully grow into the person you could become?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “I embrace my identity”

I accept that the person I am is the person I am meant to be. My circumstances, physical appearance and personality are all part of the divine plan of my Creator. I love the person I am.

When I am faced with negative circumstances, I steadfastly avoid feeling discouraged. Instead, I use the positive virtues I am blessed with to deal with the situation and come out victorious.

I realize that there may sometimes be others around me who dislike me, for whatever reason. Even so, I am satisfied with knowing that I am the best me I can be.

My body and facial features may be different than what society deems flawless, but I am exactly how I should be, so I embrace my physical appearance as well.

I live according to my own decisions, based on my own circumstances, rather than what others expect of me. I recognize that it is impossible to always live up to the expectations of others and be at peace at the same time.

Today, I commit to loving myself just the way I am. Even when others want me to fit into a certain mould, I remain unmoved. I feel certain that I am the way I should be.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I sometimes prefer what I see in others to what I see in myself?
  2. What strategies do I use to allow me to be true to myself?
  3. Do I accept my children the way they are?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “I increase my self-esteem by focusing on my positive qualities”

I can overcome self-doubt and turn it into self-esteem with the power of my mind. I think of my recent accomplishments and make mental notes of my past achievements. I notice how I handle a variety of situations, and I am proud of my successes.

My self-confidence grows each time I make a healthy and positive choice in my life. I am building a better personal world.

I am making a list of my good qualities, and I am aware of how each one is boosting my confidence. I am a strong soul with many positive aspects that make me a special part of the universe.

I have the support of family and friends as I work on boosting my confidence. They are my biggest fans and can help me identify my good qualities.

I am able to live free of comparisons to others and their lives. I am content with my current situation and abilities. I have replaced perfectionism with reality, so I know what to expect from myself.

I let go of anger and negativity because they block my confidence.

Today, I raise my self-esteem by recognising my talents, strengths, and abilities. I am the only one in the world that has these particular qualities. They make me truly special.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do others see some positive qualities in me that I haven’t recognized? What are they?
  2. What can I do to avoid comparing my life with the accomplishments of others?
  3. How can I learn to better appreciate and recognize my own abilities?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “The person I am is just enough for me”

Life is wonderful when I stay true to who I am. It gives me a sense of identity to commit to my morals and beliefs. I am proud of the person I am now and the one I am growing into.

My peers have various accolades and achievements under their belts. I am happy for them. I have only positive thoughts to share because I enjoy seeing others do well.

Even when pressures to fit into a particular group surround me, I stay sincere to myself. I am committed to my character and refuse to contradict my beliefs for popularity. I know that here are many positive things in store for me along my own path.

I avoid feeling frustrated or embarrassed by my financial limitations. I accept that each thing that is due to me has its time to present itself. I make financial commitments that I know that I can comfortably afford.

The opinions of onlookers regarding my choices have very little impact on me.

My beauty shines from the inside out and creates a glow. That is enough to keep me happy with the person I am. Each day is dedicated to refining my character.

Today, I wholeheartedly celebrate myself. I am my biggest advocate. What I have to offer the world is more than what money is able to buy. My commitment is to becoming the best possible version of myself that I can.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How much influence do friends and loved ones have on my behaviors?
  2. What exercises can I participate in to build my self-confidence?
  3. How do I go about selecting the company I keep?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “I am confident enough to avoid self-doubt”

I am confident enough in my own skin to avoid self-doubt. When I look in the mirror, I see someone whose opportunities and potential are endless. My confidence keeps me focused on meaningful goals.

Self-doubt is a detractor that tries to prevent me from going after my dreams. I avoid allowing it to stomp on my proven abilities and talents.

I use the success stories of others to motivate me.

My inability to reach a specific goal rarely equates to failure. Instead, I use the experience as a lesson in being better prepared. Those experiences help me develop even more self-confidence.

When I am confident, I inspire others to believe in me.

I know that I sometimes have less experience than required for a job. Although it is easy to allow that to turn into self-doubt, I avoid that at all costs. I know that I have the skills required for the job. I use my talents to boost my confidence and make me a true contender.

My confidence carries more weight than any of my shortcomings. Others are willing to give me a chance because I repel self-doubt.

Today, I know that my success comes from believing in myself. Confidence drives me to overcome my fears. I know that I am worthy of all the good things present in my life.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. When is it helpful to remind myself of my natural abilities?
  2. How do I help my kids believe in themselves and show confidence?
  3. Why does my confidence sometimes cause me to have unrealistic expectations for myself?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “My thoughts are under my control”

I am always looking for new ways to better my life and myself. Fortunately, almost everything in the world responds well to positive thinking. I attract what I put out. This is why, regardless of what happens, I keep my thoughts under control.

Because of this commitment to myself, I regularly practice meditation. There are many ways I do this: when sitting at a traffic light, waiting in line at the bank, and sometimes in a formal practice, where I sit for a while and watch my thoughts. This practice assists me in being aware of my thoughts, so that I can control them better and better.

The nature of the mind is to wander. But my mind does this because it is my ally, always scanning the horizon for potential danger. However, if my mind begins to focus on less preferable thoughts, I exert control over my thinking. I direct my mind to come back to the topic I choose.

I feel empowered by taking charge of my thoughts. Because my thinking is under my control, I know that I can make the best out of any situation and get what I want out of life.

Today, I am grateful that I know how to control my thoughts. I am confident that my ability to do this increases with time and practice. I commit to myself to meditate today to increase my mental control.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Does my mind ever seem to “run away with me?” Do I feel easily distracted?
  2. What can I do to encourage my ability to concentrate?
  3. Are there specific thoughts I would like to focus on more?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “Each day I strive to become the person I want to be”

I always strive to improve myself. I look forward to learning and accumulating more skills so that I am more productive in all aspects of my life.

Using patience, I am able to be compassionate with others. I show them the kindness they deserve. In all relationships, whether they are personal or professional, I strive to be a person that others can look up to.

I maintain a positive attitude so I can work with situations as they occur and develop effective solutions. I look forward to the future so I can portray even more strength as I go through my life.

When I help others, I learn more about myself. I am always ready to assist others with what they need. When I offer my guidance, I feel proud of myself.

I work to counter my imperfections. Making myself into the person I want to be sometimes seems like a challenge, but I know that I am up to the task.

Today, I am paying extra attention to becoming the person that I want to be. In my professional and personal life, I want to be able to be proud of my actions.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are my goals for self-improvement?
  2. What can I do to strengthen my personal relationships?
  3. How can I ensure that I am putting in one hundred percent with any endeavor that I set my mind on?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “My past is behind me”

I am free of my past. What has happened no longer influences my life. I can leave the past behind me and look ahead to the future.

At times, I may have failed in the past, but I am unburdened by these setbacks. I can see the future with a positive perspective.

I use my past successes to my advantage. If I am going to look to my past, I focus on my successes. This keeps my outlook positive and hopeful.

I maintain my strongest focus on the present. I live each day to the fullest and enjoy everything that life has to offer. Many exciting things are happening around me. I steal from my present and my future when I focus on the past.

I know that I am unable to change the past. People have acted poorly toward me. I have made poor choices. However, I am optimistic about the future.

The future can be whatever I choose to make it.

Today, I am giving up the past for the present. My mind is rooted in the present moment with an eye looking toward the future. I have a bright future and choose to forget the past. My life is looking better than ever.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How has my preoccupation with the past harmed me and my life?
  2. What would I do right now without the burden of the past?
  3. How do I allow the past to affect my future?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach

Affirmation: “Letting go sets me free”

Holding onto the past undermines my happiness and productivity. Letting go frees me and allows me to achieve my potential.

I accept that everything changes. I adjust my expectations and realize that relying on temporary conditions for security is pointless.

I remove the conditions I have been placing on my happiness.

I recognise that some events are beyond my control and accept that letting go is the best option. There are times when I lose sight of what I value. If I wait until the decision is out of my hands, I pay a higher price. By anticipating natural shifts, I make the adjustment easier.

I transform my intentions regarding my relationships with others. I care more about their welfare than how they make me feel.

I examine my thoughts and let go of those that are holding me back. I realize that it is more constructive to manage whatever circumstances arise rather than wishing my life was different.

Letting go is an ongoing process. Starting with small issues trains me to handle bigger challenges. Showing myself that I can survive without cable TV may inspire me to ride my bike to work instead of driving.

My heart is open to new opportunities when I let go. My future appears brighter.

Today, I am more determined than ever to be more flexible. I am ready to let go and start over.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What is one possession I could give away today?
  2. How can I be content with what I have now?
  3. Why does letting go prepare me to receive more?

Ready to take your self-reflection journey to the next level? Imagine having access to personalised guidance and support whenever you need it most. With our coaching courses, you’ll gain exclusive access to your dedicated coach 24/7 through our private feed, coaching calls, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and online journals. No more navigating your self-reflection journey alone – our coaches are here to provide the guidance and accountability you need to succeed.

Affirmations & self-reflection questions are powerful tools for growth, but without the right guidance, they can lead to confusion or feeling stuck. Our coaching programs are designed to help you ask the right questions, guiding you towards clarity and progress. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back – invest in your personal development today and unlock the path to your dreams and goals.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Choose your coaching package now and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

  • Solve It In 60From confusion to clarity in just one structured call

  • £175

  • > 10 Years Coaching Experience
  • Multi Decision
  • 60-Minute Call Duration
  • Situation Statement
  • Follow Up Email
  • Suggested Answer
  • Goal GettersStay on track for long-term success

  • £297/month

  • > 6 Years Coaching Experience
  • 1-Hour Coaching Call Every Month
  • 60 Days Coaching Duration
  • 3 Touchpoints Per Week
  • Online Coaching Feed
  • Free Online Course & Metrics
  • Quick DiveMove forward with purpose

  • From £80

  • 7 days of online coaching feed
  • 20 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 5 touchpoints
  • £80 with Associate Coach
  • £125 with Senior Coach
  • £215 with Head Coach
  • Deep DiveMaster the art of getting things done

  • From £125

  • 14 days of online coaching feed
  • 30 minutes of live calls included
  • Up to 10 touchpoints
  • £125 with Associate Coach
  • £170 with Senior Coach
  • £260 with Head Coach